Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Ko'p maqsadli
Shakl: To'rtburchak
Material: Polipropilen
Yopilish turi: Boshqa yopilish turlari
Xususiyat: Deraza-ko'rinish
Suvga chidamlilik darajasi: Suv o'tkazmaydigan
Uslub: Klassik
Item ID: 83182083
Ushbu ko'p funksiyali saqlash qutisi to'plami beshta shaffof plastik idishdan iborat bo'lib, ularni zargarlik buyumlarini, manikyur asboblarini, makiyajni yoki boshqa uy jihozlarini tartibga solish uchun ishlatish mumkin. Shaffof dizayn ichidagi narsalarni oson aniqlash imkonini beradi.
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le***66 very good for the price , feel a little flexible but ok if you don't overfill them. I store batteries in mine and they work well
ds**je these are GREAT!! LOVE them to use for my journaling. great to stock cut-outs for collages. they are firm. they are easy to use. they are just the right size. easy to open/close. Just great !
Lu***u) excellent quality, using to put my mini building blocks in them ,makes it easier to find the right bricks in the colours I need to build them,great value for money
le***66 very good for the price , feel a little flexible but ok if you don't overfill them. I store batteries in mine and they work well
ds**je these are GREAT!! LOVE them to use for my journaling. great to stock cut-outs for collages. they are firm. they are easy to use. they are just the right size. easy to open/close. Just great !
Lu***u) excellent quality, using to put my mini building blocks in them ,makes it easier to find the right bricks in the colours I need to build them,great value for money
le***66 very good for the price , feel a little flexible but ok if you don't overfill them. I store batteries in mine and they work well
ds**je these are GREAT!! LOVE them to use for my journaling. great to stock cut-outs for collages. they are firm. they are easy to use. they are just the right size. easy to open/close. Just great !
Lu***u) excellent quality, using to put my mini building blocks in them ,makes it easier to find the right bricks in the colours I need to build them,great value for money
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