120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Литий-ионная батарея Pujimax с портом Type-C
Набор стойки для фона фотостудии для фотосессий и видеосъемок.
Литий-ионная батарея Pujimax с портом Type-C
Набор стойки для фона фотостудии для фотосессий и видеосъемок.
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan bir dona sirpanmaydigan pol qoplamasi - o'g'il va qizlar uchun mukammal, yumshoq va uzoq muddatli o'yin xonasi gilami

Xonadagi bay derazasi uchun qulay saqlash joyi, yuvilishi mumkin bo'lgan materialdan tayyorlangan velur patchwork pol mat.
3 reviews
Soft runner rug with a Bohemian style design that is non-slip and water-resistant. This rug is washable with a low pile and irregular shape, featuring a knit weave made of polyester. Perfect for hallways, living rooms, bedrooms, and entryways in villas.
3 reviews

Amaliyot ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Ishlab chiqarish turi: Mashina bilan tayyorlangan
Orqa material: Qoplama
Xususiyat: Sirpanmaydigan
To'qima turi: Tekis to'qilgan
Material: 63% TPR, 37% Polyester
Tegishli yosh guruhi: 3 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 6 yosh (kiritilgan), 6 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 8 yosh (kiritilgan), 8 yosh (kiritilmagan) - 12 yosh (kiritilgan)
SKU maydoni ≥ 2.16m²: Yo'q
SKU uzunligi eng uzun tomoni ≥1.8m: Yo'q
Maqola ID: 07257695

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
lo***ge pleasant on the sole of the foot... lies in front of my daughter's nursery door. If you want to get in, you have to jump... 😅...
ri***85 lovely rug ,my daughter loves it , nice bright colours & pattern, good quality
ad***77 The product has arrived, just like in the photo. We started using it, I trust that it will be good for a long time.
lo***ge pleasant on the sole of the foot... lies in front of my daughter's nursery door. If you want to get in, you have to jump... 😅...
ri***85 lovely rug ,my daughter loves it , nice bright colours & pattern, good quality
ad***77 The product has arrived, just like in the photo. We started using it, I trust that it will be good for a long time.
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