iPhone 14/13/12/11/iPad uchun tez zaryadlovchi Lightning kabel, 3.3ft
Yorqin aksentlar va PU astar bilan mustahkam, shaffof malika poyabzallari.
Belgilaringizga qarab choy iching. Xitoycha versiya.
"Chang'an Lychee" ni Xitoy tilida.
Yorqin Tun
Cho'chqa mavzusidagi poyabzallar yil davomida qulaylik uchun.
Техника внутренней акупунктуры Уданг
Рецепты японской растительной кухни Юмико Кано.
30 Kunda Oson Yo'qotiladigan Tanani Rivojlantirish - Xitoy Versiyasi
"Цзянь Тай Цзи, китайское издание"
Ergonomik O'yin Stuli - Uy Ofisi va Raqobatbardosh O'yinlar uchun Ideal
Xitoycha O'z-o'zini davolash dietasi usuli
iPhone 14/13/12/11/iPad uchun tez zaryadlovchi Lightning kabel, 3.3ft
Yorqin aksentlar va PU astar bilan mustahkam, shaffof malika poyabzallari.
Belgilaringizga qarab choy iching. Xitoycha versiya.
"Chang'an Lychee" ni Xitoy tilida.
Yorqin Tun
Cho'chqa mavzusidagi poyabzallar yil davomida qulaylik uchun.
Техника внутренней акупунктуры Уданг
Рецепты японской растительной кухни Юмико Кано.
30 Kunda Oson Yo'qotiladigan Tanani Rivojlantirish - Xitoy Versiyasi
"Цзянь Тай Цзи, китайское издание"
Ergonomik O'yin Stuli - Uy Ofisi va Raqobatbardosh O'yinlar uchun Ideal
Xitoycha O'z-o'zini davolash dietasi usuli
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Mooncake bo'rtma desertli plastik qoliplar to'plami 4 donadan iborat. To'plam shuningdek, presslash qolipini ham o'z ichiga oladi.
Material: Plastik
Mahsulot identifikatori: 56753140
Дополнительная информация
Доставка и возврат
Eva Schuhmann Working with this press is total satisfaction!)) Very good quality! Simple butter cookie dough works well for this.) Ingredients: (~ for 16 pieces)
Flour +/- 320 g
Sugar 30 gr
Vegetable oil 70 ml
Honey 50 gr
Egg 1 pc
baking powder 1 tsp
Vanilla sugar 8 gr
Salt to taste
62***49 Very satisfied with my purchase. Good manufacture. Easy to use. To place the mold in the cookie cutter, simply lay it flat on the table, place the cookie cutter on top, press the handle and make a turn of the handle to clip the mold. Do the maneuvers in reverse to change mold. Tested and approved!
Janet Vine Easy To Use,Affordable,Good Quality,Worth Buying,Highly Recommend
Eva Schuhmann Working with this press is total satisfaction!)) Very good quality! Simple butter cookie dough works well for this.) Ingredients: (~ for 16 pieces)
Flour +/- 320 g
Sugar 30 gr
Vegetable oil 70 ml
Honey 50 gr
Egg 1 pc
baking powder 1 tsp
Vanilla sugar 8 gr
Salt to taste
62***49 Very satisfied with my purchase. Good manufacture. Easy to use. To place the mold in the cookie cutter, simply lay it flat on the table, place the cookie cutter on top, press the handle and make a turn of the handle to clip the mold. Do the maneuvers in reverse to change mold. Tested and approved!
Janet Vine Easy To Use,Affordable,Good Quality,Worth Buying,Highly Recommend
Eva Schuhmann Working with this press is total satisfaction!)) Very good quality! Simple butter cookie dough works well for this.) Ingredients: (~ for 16 pieces)
Flour +/- 320 g
Sugar 30 gr
Vegetable oil 70 ml
Honey 50 gr
Egg 1 pc
baking powder 1 tsp
Vanilla sugar 8 gr
Salt to taste
62***49 Very satisfied with my purchase. Good manufacture. Easy to use. To place the mold in the cookie cutter, simply lay it flat on the table, place the cookie cutter on top, press the handle and make a turn of the handle to clip the mold. Do the maneuvers in reverse to change mold. Tested and approved!
Janet Vine Easy To Use,Affordable,Good Quality,Worth Buying,Highly Recommend
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