Zinapoyali arıxona tutun chiqaruvchi, arıchilik uchun issiqlik himoyasi bilan.
Teflon gaz pechka yuzasini himoya qilish tozalash matosi
Zinapoyali arıxona tutun chiqaruvchi, arıchilik uchun issiqlik himoyasi bilan.
Teflon gaz pechka yuzasini himoya qilish tozalash matosi
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Erkin turuvchi metall poyabzal tokchasi tashkilotchisi, ko'p qavatli dizayn, erga o'rnatish, hammom, yotoqxona, kirish joyi uchun ideal, ko'p maqsadli foydalanish, yog'ochdan tayyorlanmagan, elektrsiz
Xona turi: Turli xona turlari
O'rnatish turi: Polga o'rnatish
Material: Metall
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Dreva materiallarini o'z ichiga olmaydi: Yo'q
Item ID: 80480143

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Татьяна Павлюк
fi***25 I got this item free I put it together in about 20mins it is very sturdy and quite robust
I am pleasantly surprised how good it is
ma***um when it arrived I thought it was very lightweight, but put it together which was very easy now it houses most of my shoes, perfect
Татьяна Павлюк
fi***25 I got this item free I put it together in about 20mins it is very sturdy and quite robust
I am pleasantly surprised how good it is
ma***um when it arrived I thought it was very lightweight, but put it together which was very easy now it houses most of my shoes, perfect
Татьяна Павлюк
fi***25 I got this item free I put it together in about 20mins it is very sturdy and quite robust
I am pleasantly surprised how good it is
ma***um when it arrived I thought it was very lightweight, but put it together which was very easy now it houses most of my shoes, perfect
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