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- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Experience the Ultimate Cooling Solution on-the-go with our Portable Handheld Fan featuring Turbo Jet Technology - Providing High-Speed Airflow for Dust Removal and Outdoor Camping. Stay charged with the USB Rechargeable 5200mAh Battery.

Premium 6-pichoq issiqlik bilan ishlaydigan pechka ventilyatori - yog‘in va qulay uy isitish uchun jim, samarali havo aylanishi, yog‘och va gaz yoqilg‘ichlari bilan - mustahkam alyuminiy qotishmasidan tayyorlangan, batareyasiz ishlash.
4 reviews
Ventilyatorlar va isitish buyumlarini ushlab turish uchun bracket, zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan pechlar uchun ko'p funksiyali devor o'rnatmasi. Uy va oshxona isitish va sovutish uskunalari uchun ochiq havoda isitish aksessuarlari uchun mos.
4 reviews

Boshqarish usuli: Tugma
Ventilyator turi: Puflagich
Aksessuar: Shnur
Ichki-Tashqi Foydalanish: Ichki va Tashqi Mavjud
Quvvat manbai: USB zaryadlash (ichki batareya)
Qayta zaryadlanadigan batareya: Litiy batareyasi
Item ID: 15306317
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
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