120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
New office desk set with pad, footstool, and adjustable footrest.
Double row bookshelf with reinforced multi-layer storage for students.
Alphabet A-Z Sealing Wax Stamp Kit for Wedding Invitations and Letter Sealing
Thickened A5 retro password notebook with lock.
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Zaruriy oshxona asboblari to'plami, mustahkam PC plastmassadan tayyorlangan - Qoshqich, qoshiq, teshik qoshiq, spatula, teshikli aylantiruvchi va spagetti xizmatkori - Oshxonangiz uchun yopishqoq bo'lmagan pishirish asboblari.
Material: Plastik
Item ID: 52106115

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
B Brown I bought this utensil set and I must say I was quite surprise that the quality of the material used is quite durable. This item is ideal as a starter kit for those moving into a new home.
ra***ng For a new house, you need a lot of stuff. This set was really expensive everywhere. Budget runs out at some point. Good quality and nice price.
ja***no Quality buy for the price, comes in a set, good kitchen ware, light material
B Brown I bought this utensil set and I must say I was quite surprise that the quality of the material used is quite durable. This item is ideal as a starter kit for those moving into a new home.
ra***ng For a new house, you need a lot of stuff. This set was really expensive everywhere. Budget runs out at some point. Good quality and nice price.
ja***no Quality buy for the price, comes in a set, good kitchen ware, light material
B Brown I bought this utensil set and I must say I was quite surprise that the quality of the material used is quite durable. This item is ideal as a starter kit for those moving into a new home.
ra***ng For a new house, you need a lot of stuff. This set was really expensive everywhere. Budget runs out at some point. Good quality and nice price.
ja***no Quality buy for the price, comes in a set, good kitchen ware, light material
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar