120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
New office desk set with pad, footstool, and adjustable footrest.
Double row bookshelf with reinforced multi-layer storage for students.
Alphabet A-Z Sealing Wax Stamp Kit for Wedding Invitations and Letter Sealing
Thickened A5 retro password notebook with lock.
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Esports-inspired Gaming Rug for Boys Room - Featuring a Stylish Controller Design, Perfect for Game Rooms and Bedrooms. This Game Controller Area Rug is the Ultimate Addition to any Gamer's Space. Ideal for Teens and Adults, this Indoor Area Rug adds a
Amaliyot ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Shakl: To'rtburchak
Ishlab chiqarish turi: Mashina bilan ishlab chiqarilgan
Orqa material: Polipropilen
Xususiyat: Dog'ga chidamli
Material: 100% Polyester
SKU maydoni ≥ 2.16m²: Yo'q
SKU uzunligi eng uzun tomoni ≥1.8m: Yo'q
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Xona, Yotoqxona, Ichki
Item ID: 64936489
• RUG XUSUSIYATI: Yuqori sifatli polyesterdan tayyorlangan va mustahkam dizaynlar o'yin maydoni gilamini deformatsiyaga uchramasligini ta'minlaydi. Gilamning pastki qismi harakatlanishni oldini olish uchun maxsus dizaynga ega. Gilamning o'rtasidagi ko'pik charchagan oyoqlaringizni tinchlantiradi. O'yin gilami xonangizga biroz nafislik qo'shadi va boshqa mebellar bilan mos kelib, xonani iliq va jozibador qiladi.
• QO'YIMLI QARASH: Gilam yuqori texnologiyali bosma texnologiyasi bilan bosilgan, bu esa uning rangini osonlikcha yo'qotmasligini ta'minlaydi. Bizning yotoqxona va yashash xonasi uchun mo'ljallangan pol gilamlari juda oson tozalanadi. Uni muntazam ravishda cho'tka yoki vakuum tozalagich bilan tozalash mumkin; shuningdek, uni kir yuvish mashinasida yuvish yoki oddiygina bir oz yumshoq detergent qo'shib, gilamni havo o'tadigan joyda quritishga qoldirish mumkin. Iltimos, uni quyosh nuri ostida qoldirmang. Iltimos, oqartmang.
• E'tibor bering: O'yin maydoni gilamlari sizga yetkazib berilganda ba'zi burmalar bo'lishi mumkin. Bu gilamning yuk tashish maqsadida egilib jo'natilishi sababli. Siz uni 3-5 soat davomida qoldirishingiz mumkin, shunda burmalar yo'qoladi. Yoki siz burmalarni dazmollashingiz va burmalarning ustiga og'ir narsalarni bosishingiz mumkin. Sizda mukammal gilam bo'ladi. Siz haqiqatan ham uni sevishingiz mumkin.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Rikke mertz Andersen FANTASTIC CARPET!
So beautiful and vibrant in color, no unpleasant smell, nice and thick to walk on, easy to vacuum despite the animals ;-)
Highly recommended.
ma***mo I wasn't sure what it was going to look like but it brilliant 👌 , really super colours, nice rug for bedroom, well worth the money, looks great, love it
su***56 I was very pleased with the rug . It is a Christmas present for my Grandson. Good quality thank you
Rikke mertz Andersen FANTASTIC CARPET!
So beautiful and vibrant in color, no unpleasant smell, nice and thick to walk on, easy to vacuum despite the animals ;-)
Highly recommended.
ma***mo I wasn't sure what it was going to look like but it brilliant 👌 , really super colours, nice rug for bedroom, well worth the money, looks great, love it
su***56 I was very pleased with the rug . It is a Christmas present for my Grandson. Good quality thank you
Rikke mertz Andersen FANTASTIC CARPET!
So beautiful and vibrant in color, no unpleasant smell, nice and thick to walk on, easy to vacuum despite the animals ;-)
Highly recommended.
ma***mo I wasn't sure what it was going to look like but it brilliant 👌 , really super colours, nice rug for bedroom, well worth the money, looks great, love it
su***56 I was very pleased with the rug . It is a Christmas present for my Grandson. Good quality thank you
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar

Esports-inspired Gaming Rug for Boys Room - Featuring a Stylish Controller Design, Perfect for Game Rooms and Bedrooms. This Game Controller Area Rug is the Ultimate Addition to any Gamer's Space. Ideal for Teens and Adults, this Indoor Area Rug adds a
₸4,800.00 ₸7,800.00