120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Литий-ионная батарея Pujimax с портом Type-C
Набор стойки для фона фотостудии для фотосессий и видеосъемок.
Литий-ионная батарея Pujimax с портом Type-C
Набор стойки для фона фотостудии для фотосессий и видеосъемок.
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Qaynatma, qovurma va pishirish uchun mustahkam qizil sho'rva qozoni - 4.01 L 24.0 sm quyma temir qozon qopqoq bilan, universal gaz pechlari va induksiyaga mos keladi.

2 ta oshxona splash himoyasi to'plami, yog' splashdan himoya qilish uchun alyuminiydan tayyorlangan, pechka usti uchun issiqlikka chidamli to'siq, oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa qilmaydigan metall himoyachi, zaruriy pishirish aksessuar.
3 reviews
Noxud qotishma pastki qismli zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan bug'latgich - Mustahkam, ko'p funksiyali 3-qavatli dizayn, induktsion plitalar uchun, uy va professional oshxonalar uchun ajoyib
3 reviews

Material: Qozon temiri
Item ID: 19542163

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
ca***ck This is a beautiful pan with a diameter of 24cm!
I highly recommend it. But people, pay attention to the diameter in cm. There are other cast iron pans that are much smaller and even much more expensive.
Advice: read the instructions for use.
li***77 Lux, cooking in it is just superb.
Roland A cooking method that allows water to be placed on the lid like a steam cooking method.
ca***ck This is a beautiful pan with a diameter of 24cm!
I highly recommend it. But people, pay attention to the diameter in cm. There are other cast iron pans that are much smaller and even much more expensive.
Advice: read the instructions for use.
li***77 Lux, cooking in it is just superb.
Roland A cooking method that allows water to be placed on the lid like a steam cooking method.
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