Zinapoyali arıxona tutun chiqaruvchi, arıchilik uchun issiqlik himoyasi bilan.
Teflon gaz pechka yuzasini himoya qilish tozalash matosi
Yozda kattalar uchun mustahkam yuk jorts
Zinapoyali arıxona tutun chiqaruvchi, arıchilik uchun issiqlik himoyasi bilan.
Teflon gaz pechka yuzasini himoya qilish tozalash matosi
Yozda kattalar uchun mustahkam yuk jorts
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- Moslashuvchan Sabzavot Savati - To‘g‘ri Burchakli Plastik Bohem Usuli - Oshxona Idishlarini Yuvish va Oziq-ovqat Saqlash Racki - Kengaytiriladigan Suv Olib Tashuvchi - O‘rnatish Kerak Emas - Ekologik Toza
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Batareya xususiyatlari: Batareyasiz
Uslub: Boho
Yig'ish talab qilinmaydi: Yo'q
Item ID: 36603168
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Laura Della Monica Purchased 2 timesYou have to take the measurements of the bowl of your sink, I didn't do it and the drainer is too short. but the product is valid, robust and well made.
al***15 Works as should, extends easily, holds decent weight
Laura Della Monica Purchased 2 timesYou have to take the measurements of the bowl of your sink, I didn't do it and the drainer is too short. but the product is valid, robust and well made.
al***15 Works as should, extends easily, holds decent weight
Laura Della Monica Purchased 2 timesYou have to take the measurements of the bowl of your sink, I didn't do it and the drainer is too short. but the product is valid, robust and well made.
al***15 Works as should, extends easily, holds decent weight
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- Xohishlar ro'yxati (0)
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