120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
Premium stainless steel garlic press for easy crushing without electricity.
LED pet nail clippers with USB charging and file, anti-splash.
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
Premium stainless steel garlic press for easy crushing without electricity.
LED pet nail clippers with USB charging and file, anti-splash.
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- 18x18 Xitoy uslubidagi qopqoq, qushlar va lotus printi bilan - mashinada yuvish mumkin, zipper bilan yopiladi. Bir tomonlama dizayn, ichki qismi kiritilmagan.

This chic throw pillow cover features a checkered design made of plush soft polyester with an invisible zipper, ideal for adding style to your sofa or farmhouse decor. Hand washable and available in two sizes: 44.96x44.96cm or 50.04x29.97cm (Pillow Not
Ikki yumshoq yostiq qopqog'i, gullar bilan bezatilgan diametrli naqshda, teriga do'st 100% polyester materialidan tayyorlangan. Ushbu gippoallergen yostiq qopqog'lari mashinada yuvilishi mumkin.

Amaliyot ko'rsatmasi: Mashinada yuvish
Yopish turi: Zipper
Xona turi: Turli xona turlari
Shablon: Boshqa shablonlar
Uslub: Zamonaviy
Qoplama materiali: 100% flax
To'qish usuli: To'qilgan
Rang: Aralash Rang
Item ID: 15917125
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