120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
Nuts and bolts assortment kit includes 1575 pieces in stainless steel with organizer box.
Aquarium glass cleaner brush for all fish species.
End-Style needle holding instruments, forceps, tweezers, and grip-style forceps.
8-piece Mini Jewelry Pliers Set, includes Round Curved Needle Nose Pliers
37 types of sensor kits, 45-in-1 sensor module, STM32 learning kit
1/2/4pcs 160 LED solar sensor light for garage/garden/patio/walkway.
1KG/2KG Natural Dragon Stone for Aquarium Decor, Fish Shelter, Aquascaping
6-inch Adjustable Wrench for Heavy-Duty Manual Tasks
2 Glass Fish Tanks for Betta Fish and Home Decor
2pcs Motion Sensor LED Light Bulb for Home
Wearable LED Jewelry Magnifying Glass with Four High-Power Lenses for Watch Repair.
Nuts and bolts assortment kit includes 1575 pieces in stainless steel with organizer box.
Aquarium glass cleaner brush for all fish species.
End-Style needle holding instruments, forceps, tweezers, and grip-style forceps.
8-piece Mini Jewelry Pliers Set, includes Round Curved Needle Nose Pliers
- Uy
- Eng ko'p sotiladiganlar
- 100/200 dona plastik lolipop qo'llab-quvvatlash tayoqlari Shokoladli shirinlik tutqich tayoqlari Xavfsiz DIY pishirish shirinlik aksessuarlari Shakl keki shirinlik lolipop aksessuarlari

Yurak shaklidagi DIY zanglamas po'latdan yasalgan pechene kesgich - 1 dona
3 reviews
One piece of Happy Birthday Silicone Mold perfect for creating 3D Fondant shapes for DIY Pudding, Chocolate, Candy, Desserts, Gummy, Handmade Soap, Aromatherapy Candle, Plaster, Polymer Clay, and Ice Cubes. Ideal for Bakeware, Cake Decorating, Baking and
3 reviews

Material: Plastik
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Ha
Item ID: 64987143
Yaxshi sifatli materialdan tayyorlangan, foydalanish uchun xavfsiz.
Kek poplari, lolipoplar yoki boshqa shirinliklar tayyorlash uchun ajoyib.
Kichik shokoladli lollipoplar tayyorlash uchun ajoyib.
Texnik xususiyatlar:
Miqdor: 100 dona/paket
Material: Plastik
Diametri: Taxminan 3.5 mm
Uzunlik: Taxminan 10 sm

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
ge***13 Great and cheap, I will buy it again. What I want it to do, it's absolutely perfect.
h.***83 The package arrived fine, thank you very much, I'm satisfied
pe***ra I took them to make cake pops, I expected them a little bigger but I think they are fine.
ge***13 Great and cheap, I will buy it again. What I want it to do, it's absolutely perfect.
h.***83 The package arrived fine, thank you very much, I'm satisfied
pe***ra I took them to make cake pops, I expected them a little bigger but I think they are fine.
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