120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Yumshoq va pufakli kulrang sun'iy mo'yna maydonchasi gilam va stul yostiq to'plami. Sizning yashash xonangizga qulaylik qo'shish uchun mukammal. Ushbu to'plamda o'rindiq yostiqlari va gilam matolari uchun kichik 12 dyuymli dumaloq qopqoq mavjud.

"Weed Bud Joint Lighter Design Non-Slip Bathroom Mat" 1 dona dizaynga ega. Ushbu mashinada yuviladigan polyester yengil to'rtburchak mat, yotoqxona yoki uy bezaklari uchun mukammaldir. Bu shuningdek, funksional va zamonaviy "Welcome Doormat"dir.
3 reviews
Retro chiziqli kulrang uzun pol mato, oshxona, kir yuvish xonasi, yashash xonasi, yotoqxona, koridor uchun sirpanmaydigan orqa qismi; namni o'zlashtiruvchi va zamonaviy uy bezaklari gilami
3 reviews

Amal ko'rsatmasi: Faqat qo'l bilan yuvish
Shakl: Dumaloq
Material: 20% Polyester, 80% Akril
SKU maydoni ≥ 2.16m²: Yo'q
SKU uzunligi eng uzun tomoni ≥1.8m: Yo'q
Item ID: 40016090
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Danielle Eagle I bought these to put them on the chairs at work. I’ve done a lovely job makes them warmer and more comfortable to sit on.
ju***xd Nice quality, fast shipping, very soft material, long fluffy 'hair', not sure about cleaning as I don't think it goes into the washer but has been resisting well to vacuum cleaning, highly recommend.
Nicole Campbell This turned up so, so soft and beautiful, the only thing is, it turned up a different get to the picture and it isn't the fly away fur, but it is a lighter grey, but I'm still really pleased with it.
Danielle Eagle I bought these to put them on the chairs at work. I’ve done a lovely job makes them warmer and more comfortable to sit on.
ju***xd Nice quality, fast shipping, very soft material, long fluffy 'hair', not sure about cleaning as I don't think it goes into the washer but has been resisting well to vacuum cleaning, highly recommend.
Nicole Campbell This turned up so, so soft and beautiful, the only thing is, it turned up a different get to the picture and it isn't the fly away fur, but it is a lighter grey, but I'm still really pleased with it.
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