120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Stol yuzalarini himoya qilish uchun ideal bo'lgan zamonaviy folga to'r dizayniga ega 12 dumaloq tilla to'siqlar to'plami. Amazonning oltin rangdagi eng ko'p sotiladigan bir martalik choyshablari.
Shakli: dumaloq
To'quv turi: Mashinadan tayyorlangan
Material: Polyester
Mahsulot identifikatori: 62071202
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
er***la The item is excellent. It matches the description and the photos on the website. The delivery was very fast, even though it was close to Christmas. Kudos to the manufacturer and to Temu, which handles the marketing. I hope you continue to operate this way. Well done.Congratulations!!!
ca***rt very pretty, slightly transparent which highlights the tablecloth underneath
an***41 I made a silver❤ table decoration I have a table runner and these napkins, it looks stunning!
er***la The item is excellent. It matches the description and the photos on the website. The delivery was very fast, even though it was close to Christmas. Kudos to the manufacturer and to Temu, which handles the marketing. I hope you continue to operate this way. Well done.Congratulations!!!
ca***rt very pretty, slightly transparent which highlights the tablecloth underneath
an***41 I made a silver❤ table decoration I have a table runner and these napkins, it looks stunning!
er***la The item is excellent. It matches the description and the photos on the website. The delivery was very fast, even though it was close to Christmas. Kudos to the manufacturer and to Temu, which handles the marketing. I hope you continue to operate this way. Well done.Congratulations!!!
ca***rt very pretty, slightly transparent which highlights the tablecloth underneath
an***41 I made a silver❤ table decoration I have a table runner and these napkins, it looks stunning!
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