120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- 12 ta Non-Slip Gilam Tutqichlari to'plami, Yog'och Pollar va Plitalar uchun - Ikki Tomonlama Anti-Slip Yostiqlar, Yuvilishi mumkin, Burchak Tutqichi Dizayni

Round plush fabric carpet that is simple, solid, fluffy, soft, and comfortable. This cute indoor decor is easy to clean, furry, warm, and suitable for chair pads, room, bedroom, and indoor use. Made of polyester, it is only suitable for dry cleaning and
3 reviews
Два рулона бежевой самоклеящейся фетровой ленты для защиты мебели от скольжения на деревянных полах, стульях и стенах. Каждый рулон имеет длину 3,05 метра, ширину 2,54 см и толщину 0,3 см. Отлично подходит для защиты поверхностей от царапин и повреждений.
3 reviews

Material: ABS (akrilonitril Butadien Stiren)
Item ID: 77862149

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
sa***er Super practical so that the carpet stays where it should be, alone if you have pets, who like to have their dolly 10 minutes.
Constantly had to push the carpets all the way back then
Rosario Celaya Lizaso Perfect, they perform their function very well, the carpets, they do not move at all, they are well fixed, when before, they were always collected by me, I like them, very good product
Lyz Holy They surprisingly good. The great thing about them is they are very easy to use as they stick to the rung but not difficult to remove. I have vacuum but the rug stayed in place. I would definitely recommend them
sa***er Super practical so that the carpet stays where it should be, alone if you have pets, who like to have their dolly 10 minutes.
Constantly had to push the carpets all the way back then
Rosario Celaya Lizaso Perfect, they perform their function very well, the carpets, they do not move at all, they are well fixed, when before, they were always collected by me, I like them, very good product
Lyz Holy They surprisingly good. The great thing about them is they are very easy to use as they stick to the rung but not difficult to remove. I have vacuum but the rug stayed in place. I would definitely recommend them
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar