120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Qayta ishlatiladigan tortma sumkasi, bananlarni muzlatgichda saqlash uchun, mevalar va sabzavotlarning erta pishishini oldini olishga yordam beradi, uy oshxonasini tartibga solish uchun zarur.
Material: Alyuminiy
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Ha
Item ID: 65614198
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
jt**08 This does exactly what it supposed to do, l loaded my bananas into the bag placed in the fridge and they were still perfect, no discolouration or change after 6 days , so I am really pleased and would highly recommend
Tr***nn I'm so impressed by mine that I bought a few weeks ago, I've bought another couple of these for relatives. Bananas last well over a week after buying now. Highly recommend.
ja***in Great quality, great price. Put bananas in today so I’ll see how they look in a couple of days (if they last long enough)
jt**08 This does exactly what it supposed to do, l loaded my bananas into the bag placed in the fridge and they were still perfect, no discolouration or change after 6 days , so I am really pleased and would highly recommend
Tr***nn I'm so impressed by mine that I bought a few weeks ago, I've bought another couple of these for relatives. Bananas last well over a week after buying now. Highly recommend.
ja***in Great quality, great price. Put bananas in today so I’ll see how they look in a couple of days (if they last long enough)
jt**08 This does exactly what it supposed to do, l loaded my bananas into the bag placed in the fridge and they were still perfect, no discolouration or change after 6 days , so I am really pleased and would highly recommend
Tr***nn I'm so impressed by mine that I bought a few weeks ago, I've bought another couple of these for relatives. Bananas last well over a week after buying now. Highly recommend.
ja***in Great quality, great price. Put bananas in today so I’ll see how they look in a couple of days (if they last long enough)
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar