120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Поддерживайте порядок на кухне и свежесть продуктов с помощью этих 3 многофункциональных герметичных ящиков для хранения фруктов и овощей. Эти ящики, оснащенные дренажным баком и холодильным ящиком, помогут вам дольше сохранять свежесть продуктов.
Idish shakli: Kvadrat
Material: Plastik
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish
Yopilish turi: Flip top
Tavsiya etilgan foydalanish: Ko'p maqsadli
Material xususiyatlari: Bisfenol A dan ozod
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Item ID: 85346427

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Emma GALLEGO GOMEZ size of the little guy in the photo. Practical, easy to clean and made of plastic. Closures. good and sizes according to food. I recommend sizes m and L. The s is scarce, but it does its job
di***ie Hello, everything arrived safely. Delivery to Hamburg went very quickly and was delivered in the specified time window. The food storage containers are really great and very robust. Especially with the sieve a real relief. I find the class and can fully recommend it. I will order a second set with aroma opening/air circulation.
Full recommendation from Hamburg 👍
Emma GALLEGO GOMEZ size of the little guy in the photo. Practical, easy to clean and made of plastic. Closures. good and sizes according to food. I recommend sizes m and L. The s is scarce, but it does its job
di***ie Hello, everything arrived safely. Delivery to Hamburg went very quickly and was delivered in the specified time window. The food storage containers are really great and very robust. Especially with the sieve a real relief. I find the class and can fully recommend it. I will order a second set with aroma opening/air circulation.
Full recommendation from Hamburg 👍
Emma GALLEGO GOMEZ size of the little guy in the photo. Practical, easy to clean and made of plastic. Closures. good and sizes according to food. I recommend sizes m and L. The s is scarce, but it does its job
di***ie Hello, everything arrived safely. Delivery to Hamburg went very quickly and was delivered in the specified time window. The food storage containers are really great and very robust. Especially with the sieve a real relief. I find the class and can fully recommend it. I will order a second set with aroma opening/air circulation.
Full recommendation from Hamburg 👍
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar