1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Innovatsion 2-qismli izolyatsiyalangan qo'lqoplar - Mikroto'lqinli pech, pech va idish yuvish mashinasi uchun mos - Qo'llaringiz uchun iliqlik va qulaylikni ta'minlaydi - Xavfsiz oshxona ishlov berish uchun issiqlikka chidamli.
Elektr ta'minoti: Elektrsiz foydalaning
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa qilish uchun foydalanish mumkin: Yo'q
Mahsulot identifikatori: 98820634
Дополнительная информация
Доставка и возврат
pa***co Very good item, I am satisfied. Thanks to TEMU and the seller for the fast and careful delivery.
78***08 useful in kitchen, useful in kitchen
, , happy, thank you, worth the money, worth the money, perfect thanks
Sonia Very interesting design and the fabric is great, doesn't tear.
Keeps the heat in well when you hold them.
Very sturdy.
pa***co Very good item, I am satisfied. Thanks to TEMU and the seller for the fast and careful delivery.
78***08 useful in kitchen, useful in kitchen
, , happy, thank you, worth the money, worth the money, perfect thanks
Sonia Very interesting design and the fabric is great, doesn't tear.
Keeps the heat in well when you hold them.
Very sturdy.
pa***co Very good item, I am satisfied. Thanks to TEMU and the seller for the fast and careful delivery.
78***08 useful in kitchen, useful in kitchen
, , happy, thank you, worth the money, worth the money, perfect thanks
Sonia Very interesting design and the fabric is great, doesn't tear.
Keeps the heat in well when you hold them.
Very sturdy.
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
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sizning BibishopingizQidirish
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- Uy
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