120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Gradient muzlatilgan plastik suv shishasi, purkagich, qalamcha va oqmaslik dizayni.

Sakura Train 40oz izolyatsiyalangan tumbler, tutqichi va qozon qopqog'i bilan issiq/sovuq ichimliklar uchun | BPA-siz, sindirilmaydigan | Bir nechta ranglar | Tashqi faoliyatlar uchun mukammal sovg'a.
3 reviews
Sunflower Sports Water Bottle: 24oz stainless steel vacuum cup with 4 lids, straw, brush. Portable thermal bottle for camping, hiking, fitness. Perfect summer drinkware and travel accessory. Ideal for birthday gifts.
3 reviews

Item ID: 27507559
Ushbu 1-paketli suv shishasi gradient muzlatilgan dizayni bilan ajralib turadi va purkagich funktsiyasini, ichki qozonchani o'z ichiga oladi va harakatda suyuqlik ichish uchun mukammaldir. Ushbu qayta to'ldiriladigan sport tumbleri suyuqlik o'tkazmaydi va qulay va ekologik toza idish uchun hidlanmagan plastikdan tayyorlangan.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
79***92 looks good and handy, perfect for it's use, exactly as described, just what was needed, absolutely love this, look nice in kitchen
fi***rw works well nice colour and is easy to use
bi***22 Trop belle works perfectly! At first I was scared because the rod was not hooked
79***92 looks good and handy, perfect for it's use, exactly as described, just what was needed, absolutely love this, look nice in kitchen
fi***rw works well nice colour and is easy to use
bi***22 Trop belle works perfectly! At first I was scared because the rod was not hooked
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