120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Moslashuvchan No-Drill Oshxona Qopqog'i To'plami - Moslashtiriladigan, Slayd S-Ilovalar uchun Shkaflar va Devorlar, Sanoat uslubidagi Plastik Saqlash Tashkiliy
O'rnatish turi: Eshikga o'rnatish
Item ID: 04056638
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
l***s They are great for organization, they fit perfectly and are hidden inside the kitchen cupboard door. They are excellent for scissors, funnels, and other items, just perfect.
Алла Дрёмина A good device. It looks flimsy, but it holds well on the tile and the hooks are strong. Of course, it probably won't hold a heavy frying pan, but it's great for all kinds of small things.
jc***ie Brilliant I have them in the shower room for all the sponges ect even in the bedroom for hanging jewellery , exactly as described
l***s They are great for organization, they fit perfectly and are hidden inside the kitchen cupboard door. They are excellent for scissors, funnels, and other items, just perfect.
Алла Дрёмина A good device. It looks flimsy, but it holds well on the tile and the hooks are strong. Of course, it probably won't hold a heavy frying pan, but it's great for all kinds of small things.
jc***ie Brilliant I have them in the shower room for all the sponges ect even in the bedroom for hanging jewellery , exactly as described
l***s They are great for organization, they fit perfectly and are hidden inside the kitchen cupboard door. They are excellent for scissors, funnels, and other items, just perfect.
Алла Дрёмина A good device. It looks flimsy, but it holds well on the tile and the hooks are strong. Of course, it probably won't hold a heavy frying pan, but it's great for all kinds of small things.
jc***ie Brilliant I have them in the shower room for all the sponges ect even in the bedroom for hanging jewellery , exactly as described
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar