Vintage soat, kichik muvozanat va sahifa aylantirish xususiyati bilan
Yopishmaydigan Omlet Qaynatish Panasi uchun Vafli
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
Vintage soat, kichik muvozanat va sahifa aylantirish xususiyati bilan
Yopishmaydigan Omlet Qaynatish Panasi uchun Vafli
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Kichkina va hammom yuzalarini Magic Sponge bilan osonlikcha tozalang - Elektrsiz, shisha, devorlar, hojatxonalar va keramika uchun mukammal.
Material: Plastik
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Yo'q
Item ID: 31881013

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
an***ta The product is as in the photo, the sponge is light, the handle is firmly attached, the package arrived in a week. I recommend it.
yakazuna Good quality, not too hard, convenient to wash tiles and bathtubs.
em***62 The package arrived in the established days healthy and well packaged yet to be tried
an***ta The product is as in the photo, the sponge is light, the handle is firmly attached, the package arrived in a week. I recommend it.
yakazuna Good quality, not too hard, convenient to wash tiles and bathtubs.
em***62 The package arrived in the established days healthy and well packaged yet to be tried
an***ta The product is as in the photo, the sponge is light, the handle is firmly attached, the package arrived in a week. I recommend it.
yakazuna Good quality, not too hard, convenient to wash tiles and bathtubs.
em***62 The package arrived in the established days healthy and well packaged yet to be tried
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sizning BibishopingizQidirish
- Kirish / Ro'yxatdan o'tish
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