120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Osonlik bilan oshxonangizni bizning devorga o'rnatiladigan ziravorlar idishlari uskunasi bilan tartibga soling - Ziravorlar qalamchalari, idish saqlash va boshqa oshxona asboblari bilan birga - Mustahkam PP materialdan tayyorlangan
Material: Polipropilen (PP)
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Yo'q
Item ID: 38415896
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Nadejda Müller A very useful item! It opens quite wide. So far, it's holding heavy glass jars without any issues. An adhesive strip is included. If it falls off, I'll let you know. It can be cut into individual pieces.
Iva Morris amazing, but fragile, I couldn’t attach this to my cupboards, my kitchen is small , but not sturdy as I thoughts.! It’s stickers so I will wait until it’s strong enough into the walls to see if it holds the jars with the ingredients…
12Worlds Look lovely in my kitchen! Fingers crossed the sticky lasts if not glue will be perfect!! So cheap but absolutely great buy!!
Nadejda Müller A very useful item! It opens quite wide. So far, it's holding heavy glass jars without any issues. An adhesive strip is included. If it falls off, I'll let you know. It can be cut into individual pieces.
Iva Morris amazing, but fragile, I couldn’t attach this to my cupboards, my kitchen is small , but not sturdy as I thoughts.! It’s stickers so I will wait until it’s strong enough into the walls to see if it holds the jars with the ingredients…
12Worlds Look lovely in my kitchen! Fingers crossed the sticky lasts if not glue will be perfect!! So cheap but absolutely great buy!!
Nadejda Müller A very useful item! It opens quite wide. So far, it's holding heavy glass jars without any issues. An adhesive strip is included. If it falls off, I'll let you know. It can be cut into individual pieces.
Iva Morris amazing, but fragile, I couldn’t attach this to my cupboards, my kitchen is small , but not sturdy as I thoughts.! It’s stickers so I will wait until it’s strong enough into the walls to see if it holds the jars with the ingredients…
12Worlds Look lovely in my kitchen! Fingers crossed the sticky lasts if not glue will be perfect!! So cheap but absolutely great buy!!
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