120,000 so'mdan ortiq barcha buyurtmalar uchun bepul yetkazib berish
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- [Mijozlar Sevimlisi] Yoqimli Quyoshgul Metall Servetka Ushtiri - Uy, Oshxona va Taomlar Dekoriga Joziba Qo'shish Uchun Ideal
Material: Metall
Oziq-ovqat bilan aloqa uchun ishlatilishi mumkin: Yo'q
Item ID: 46028667




Salfetka chizmalarini joylashtiring

O'rnatish chizmasi

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Anna Kollárová PERFECTLY. The whole thing is made of high-quality and strong metal. Rich colors. The paint does not peel off. It arrived undamaged. Well packaged, unbent and undeformed. Unglued but welded. A beautiful and practical decoration.
Alicja Grzelak A great gadget for the kitchen. Very nice towel rack. Atmospheric, designer and fashionable. It creates a cool atmosphere for the summer and autumn period. Well made. Beautiful vivid colors. Handy ,stores well. As soon as I saw it, I thought it would look beautiful. It looks better in person than in the photo. I am very happy with the purchase, lovely, colorful. Recommend.
Cristel Bernou-Bouyer Very beautiful and very good material in wrought iron style, so very solid! Highly👌 recommend
Anna Kollárová PERFECTLY. The whole thing is made of high-quality and strong metal. Rich colors. The paint does not peel off. It arrived undamaged. Well packaged, unbent and undeformed. Unglued but welded. A beautiful and practical decoration.
Alicja Grzelak A great gadget for the kitchen. Very nice towel rack. Atmospheric, designer and fashionable. It creates a cool atmosphere for the summer and autumn period. Well made. Beautiful vivid colors. Handy ,stores well. As soon as I saw it, I thought it would look beautiful. It looks better in person than in the photo. I am very happy with the purchase, lovely, colorful. Recommend.
Cristel Bernou-Bouyer Very beautiful and very good material in wrought iron style, so very solid! Highly👌 recommend
Anna Kollárová PERFECTLY. The whole thing is made of high-quality and strong metal. Rich colors. The paint does not peel off. It arrived undamaged. Well packaged, unbent and undeformed. Unglued but welded. A beautiful and practical decoration.
Alicja Grzelak A great gadget for the kitchen. Very nice towel rack. Atmospheric, designer and fashionable. It creates a cool atmosphere for the summer and autumn period. Well made. Beautiful vivid colors. Handy ,stores well. As soon as I saw it, I thought it would look beautiful. It looks better in person than in the photo. I am very happy with the purchase, lovely, colorful. Recommend.
Cristel Bernou-Bouyer Very beautiful and very good material in wrought iron style, so very solid! Highly👌 recommend
Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Yaqinda ko'rilgan mahsulotlar