Set of 3 Sturdy Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls for Easy Cooking and Storage
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
Set of 3 Sturdy Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls for Easy Cooking and Storage
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Har qanday xonada devor bezaklari uchun zamonaviy superkar orqa ko'rinishi kanvas bosma.
Ramka turi: Ramkasiz
Mavzu: Boshqa mavzular
Uslub: Art Deco, Klassik, Zamonaviy
San'at O'zi: Siyoh
San'at asarining yuzasi materiali: Kanvas
Devor san'ati shakli: Devor osma bezak
Yo'nalish: Kesma
Ichki Tashqi Foydalanish: Ichki
Item ID: 07589298
Manba: Jiangsu, Xitoy
Ushbu zamonaviy superkar orqa ko'rinishidagi kanvas san'at nashri bilan yashash joyingizni o'zgartiring. Ramkasiz dizayni uni har qanday xonaga, xoh u yashash xonasi, yotoqxona yoki ofis bo'lsin, zamonaviy qo'shimcha qiladi.
Ramka: Ramka yo'q
Material: Kanvas
Uslub: Moda
Uy bezaklari: Mehmonxona, Yotoqxona, Hammom, Ofis, Mehmonxona, Ovqatlanish xonasi,
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Доставка и возврат
no***76 I bought them for my son and he loved them. They don't come with a frame, but I fixed that by attaching it with double-sided tape for pictures. Problem solved.
mu***.1 I ordered it for my office in the workshop and now it hangs in my wife's office, that says it all 👍
Peter Fast delivery time! Good quality canvas! Nice picture! Yes, very satisfied!
no***76 I bought them for my son and he loved them. They don't come with a frame, but I fixed that by attaching it with double-sided tape for pictures. Problem solved.
mu***.1 I ordered it for my office in the workshop and now it hangs in my wife's office, that says it all 👍
Peter Fast delivery time! Good quality canvas! Nice picture! Yes, very satisfied!
no***76 I bought them for my son and he loved them. They don't come with a frame, but I fixed that by attaching it with double-sided tape for pictures. Problem solved.
mu***.1 I ordered it for my office in the workshop and now it hangs in my wife's office, that says it all 👍
Peter Fast delivery time! Good quality canvas! Nice picture! Yes, very satisfied!
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