Vintage soat, kichik muvozanat va sahifa aylantirish xususiyati bilan
Yopishmaydigan Omlet Qaynatish Panasi uchun Vafli
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
Vintage soat, kichik muvozanat va sahifa aylantirish xususiyati bilan
Yopishmaydigan Omlet Qaynatish Panasi uchun Vafli
Lateks to'shak
Yotoqxona uchun punch-free o'rnatish va quyoshdan himoya qiluvchi qora pardalar.
Uy ko'p funksiyali blender
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Yil boshidagi vino shishasi to'plami, denim burlap va bog'ich bezaklari bilan - Evropa va Amerika uslubidagi uylar uchun mukammal
Material: PET (polietilen tereftalat)
Quvvat manbai: Elektr energiyasiz foydalaning
Item ID: 91468114
Yilning bayram kayfiyatini tarqatishga tayyor bo'ling, bu 1 dona/2 dona Rojdestvo vino shishasi to'plami bilan. Har bir to'plamda bayram bog'lamlari bilan bezatilgan denim burlap qizil vino sovg'a sumkalari mavjud, bu esa Yevropa yoki Amerika uslubidagi uyingizga bayram ruhini qo'shish uchun mukammal.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot
Yetkazib berish va qaytarish
Soo Soo Cute little item is a gift for Christmas
sl***te These bottle covers are so cute and look very traditional, well happy with them. I have put a bottle of wine in each and they make a great decoration
An***ak cute clothes. They fit on slender wine bottles. Up close, you can see traces of glue in several places, but in general the clothes look nice
Soo Soo Cute little item is a gift for Christmas
sl***te These bottle covers are so cute and look very traditional, well happy with them. I have put a bottle of wine in each and they make a great decoration
An***ak cute clothes. They fit on slender wine bottles. Up close, you can see traces of glue in several places, but in general the clothes look nice
Soo Soo Cute little item is a gift for Christmas
sl***te These bottle covers are so cute and look very traditional, well happy with them. I have put a bottle of wine in each and they make a great decoration
An***ak cute clothes. They fit on slender wine bottles. Up close, you can see traces of glue in several places, but in general the clothes look nice
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