1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
1 dona Yotoqxona yoki Mehmonxona Pol Gilami Yotoq yonida yoki Qahva Stoli uchun
Набор из 3 прочных нержавеющих стальных мисок для удобного приготовления и хранения
2025 yilgi Eid Mubarak akril kalendari Ramazon hisoblash va uy bezatish uchun
Pishirish va oshxona uchun mustahkam, foydalanuvchilarga qulay un elagichi.
- Uy
- Eng yaxshi uy jihozlari
- Turli tadbirlar, masalan, tug'ilgan kunlar, banketlar, to'ylar va bayramlar uchun 12 ta LED olovsiz sham, uyingizda qulay muhit yaratish uchun.
Quvvat manbai: Quruq batareya quvvati
Batareya turi: Boshqa (qayta zaryadlanmaydigan)
Material: Plastik
Batareyalar kiritilgan: Ha
Item ID: 95399019
Manba: Guangdong, Xitoy
Ushbu to'plamda 12 ta LED olovsiz atmosfera qog'ozli elektron shamlar mavjud bo'lib, ular tug'ilgan kunlar, banketlar, stol, to'ylar va uy bezaklari uchun dekorativ shamlar sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin. Ular har qanday tadbir yoki joyga iliq va mehmondo'st muhit qo'shish uchun mukammal, shuning uchun to'y va bayram bezaklari uchun ideal tanlovdir.
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di***67 These are great to use for Christmas or Halloween. You could replace the batteries or just throw away and buy again as soon as cheap
Ch***9x Lovely and bright LED candles! Perfect for Christmas, they all work and are better quality than expected 🌟
Pooja Sharma beautiful lights..
sunny yellow in colour, one the light was a little problematic but i changed the cell.. now it works well.
small in size. but i am keeping them.. they are perfect for my small candle stands.. 😍😍
di***67 These are great to use for Christmas or Halloween. You could replace the batteries or just throw away and buy again as soon as cheap
Ch***9x Lovely and bright LED candles! Perfect for Christmas, they all work and are better quality than expected 🌟
Pooja Sharma beautiful lights..
sunny yellow in colour, one the light was a little problematic but i changed the cell.. now it works well.
small in size. but i am keeping them.. they are perfect for my small candle stands.. 😍😍
di***67 These are great to use for Christmas or Halloween. You could replace the batteries or just throw away and buy again as soon as cheap
Ch***9x Lovely and bright LED candles! Perfect for Christmas, they all work and are better quality than expected 🌟
Pooja Sharma beautiful lights..
sunny yellow in colour, one the light was a little problematic but i changed the cell.. now it works well.
small in size. but i am keeping them.. they are perfect for my small candle stands.. 😍😍
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