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- Соблазнительный комплект женского нижнего белья с буквенными бретелями, асимметричным дизайном, непрозрачным бюстгальтером и комбинацией трусиков из эластичного полиэстерового материала. Можно стирать вручную и взрывной.
Состав: 5% Эластан, 95% Полиэстер
Материал: Полиэстер
Пол: Женский
Детали: Ассиметричный
Шаблон: Алфавиты
Применимые лица: Взрослый
Прозрачность: Нет
Тип: Комплекты нижнего белья
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке
Стиль: Сексуальный
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 11585928
Происхождение: Гуандун, Китай
Соблазнительный комплект нижнего белья для женщин с буквенными бретельками. Этот асимметричный бюстгальтер и трусики выполнены из эластичного полиэстерового материала, который не просвечивает. Можно стирать вручную и идеально подходит для добавления нотки взрывной сексуальности в вашу коллекцию нижнего белья.
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za***77 fits well looks sexy, amazing thank you ☺️, good quality and fit, exactly like picture
L****Š I bought it as a gift for my daughter, hoping she'll like it. The material is synthetic, feeling a bit like cotton to the touch, quite pleasant.
Monica Radu The surprise was that it fits me well, the set is superb, I weigh 64 kg, I have medium breasts, I don't know the size of the breasts, but it fit me perfectly, I'm going to wear it on New Year's Eve, because it's red and that's when you wear something red. Thank you Temu.
za***77 fits well looks sexy, amazing thank you ☺️, good quality and fit, exactly like picture
L****Š I bought it as a gift for my daughter, hoping she'll like it. The material is synthetic, feeling a bit like cotton to the touch, quite pleasant.
Monica Radu The surprise was that it fits me well, the set is superb, I weigh 64 kg, I have medium breasts, I don't know the size of the breasts, but it fit me perfectly, I'm going to wear it on New Year's Eve, because it's red and that's when you wear something red. Thank you Temu.
za***77 fits well looks sexy, amazing thank you ☺️, good quality and fit, exactly like picture
L****Š I bought it as a gift for my daughter, hoping she'll like it. The material is synthetic, feeling a bit like cotton to the touch, quite pleasant.
Monica Radu The surprise was that it fits me well, the set is superb, I weigh 64 kg, I have medium breasts, I don't know the size of the breasts, but it fit me perfectly, I'm going to wear it on New Year's Eve, because it's red and that's when you wear something red. Thank you Temu.