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- 6 водонепроницаемых наклеек для ванны с рисунками акул, водорослей и осьминогов для предотвращения скольжения.
Материал: Пластик
Идентификатор товара: 51436263
Увеличьте безопасность в вашей ванне с помощью этого набора из 6 антискользящих наклеек с веселым узором акулы, водорослей и осьминога. Эти водонепроницаемые матовые наклейки легко наклеиваются на любую поверхность ванны, обеспечивая дополнительное сцепление для предотвращения скольжений и падений. Идеально подходят как для детей, так и для взрослых, эти наклейки для ванной являются стильным и практичным дополнением к вашему купальному ритуалу.
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Eszter Németh It looks great and doesn't come up. I recommend thorough tub cleaning and should be put on a completely dry tub. Care must be taken to squeeze out the bubbles when gluing.
te**92 Perfect! I cleaned my bathtub and placed them, since then, it hasn't moved! We used the tub about 20 hours after sticking them in it
Kayana Nichols I really loved them. I cleaned the tub and placed the stickers, and left the tub alone for 24 hours. They held up good the first bath, but after the second bath, some of them have started to come up already 🥲
Eszter Németh It looks great and doesn't come up. I recommend thorough tub cleaning and should be put on a completely dry tub. Care must be taken to squeeze out the bubbles when gluing.
te**92 Perfect! I cleaned my bathtub and placed them, since then, it hasn't moved! We used the tub about 20 hours after sticking them in it
Kayana Nichols I really loved them. I cleaned the tub and placed the stickers, and left the tub alone for 24 hours. They held up good the first bath, but after the second bath, some of them have started to come up already 🥲
Eszter Németh It looks great and doesn't come up. I recommend thorough tub cleaning and should be put on a completely dry tub. Care must be taken to squeeze out the bubbles when gluing.
te**92 Perfect! I cleaned my bathtub and placed them, since then, it hasn't moved! We used the tub about 20 hours after sticking them in it
Kayana Nichols I really loved them. I cleaned the tub and placed the stickers, and left the tub alone for 24 hours. They held up good the first bath, but after the second bath, some of them have started to come up already 🥲