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- 5 бесшовных плотных трусиков из комфортной, дышащей, эластичной ткани. Идеально подходит для женского нижнего белья и трусов.
Состав: 75% полиамид, 25% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Детали: Исправлено
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Прозрачность: Нет
Тип: Бесшовный
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Стиль: Сексуальный
Количество продуктов: 5 штук
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 87598636
Происхождение: Гуандун, Китай
Этот комплект включает пять бесшовных однотонных трусиков, которые одновременно удобны и дышащие благодаря эластичной ткани. Идеально подходят для повседневной носки, эти интимные трусики являются необходимыми дополнениями к коллекции нижнего белья и трусов любой женщины.
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Veronicah Wangechi well worth the money, these are a nice fit, super soft and comfy, , very good, cool, Perfect !, definitely buy again, great item thank you
Lora *** I love them! I cannot count the times I’ve bought them! Very comfortable cut and fabric, holds well without squeezing, breathable, I prefer them to my old cotton panties. The cut in front was a little strange to me at first, a little triangular, but it goes right below your belly, so they don’t fold down, nor press to hard on your belly (like another set with a normal cut does). I appreciate these a lot!
Lora *** I buy this set for the 3rd time! Just perfect, very light, perfect for the summer.
Veronicah Wangechi well worth the money, these are a nice fit, super soft and comfy, , very good, cool, Perfect !, definitely buy again, great item thank you
Lora *** I love them! I cannot count the times I’ve bought them! Very comfortable cut and fabric, holds well without squeezing, breathable, I prefer them to my old cotton panties. The cut in front was a little strange to me at first, a little triangular, but it goes right below your belly, so they don’t fold down, nor press to hard on your belly (like another set with a normal cut does). I appreciate these a lot!
Lora *** I buy this set for the 3rd time! Just perfect, very light, perfect for the summer.
Veronicah Wangechi well worth the money, these are a nice fit, super soft and comfy, , very good, cool, Perfect !, definitely buy again, great item thank you
Lora *** I love them! I cannot count the times I’ve bought them! Very comfortable cut and fabric, holds well without squeezing, breathable, I prefer them to my old cotton panties. The cut in front was a little strange to me at first, a little triangular, but it goes right below your belly, so they don’t fold down, nor press to hard on your belly (like another set with a normal cut does). I appreciate these a lot!
Lora *** I buy this set for the 3rd time! Just perfect, very light, perfect for the summer.