Латексный матрас
906 540 som–3 752 669 som
Силиконовые подставки для кастрюль для готовки и выпечки, термостойкие с захватом.
16 542 som–16 543 som
Затемняющая штора для спальни с установкой без пробивания и защитой от солнца.
49 673 som–76 301 som
Домашний многофункциональный блендер
335 358 som
719 003 som
Латексный матрас
906 540 som–3 752 669 som
Силиконовые подставки для кастрюль для готовки и выпечки, термостойкие с захватом.
16 542 som–16 543 som
Затемняющая штора для спальни с установкой без пробивания и защитой от солнца.
49 673 som–76 301 som
Домашний многофункциональный блендер
335 358 som
719 003 som
- Главная
- Лучшие товары для дома
- Заварочный чайник из нержавеющей стали оснащен ситечком для безупречного заваривания кофе и зеленого чая и подходит как для дома, так и для офиса.
Материал: Нержавеющая сталь
Электропитание: использование без электричества
Номинальная мощность (Вт): 0
Идентификатор товара: 94166673
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Iuliana Camen The kettle pleased me with its rounded shapes. It performed its function well. The tea had no foreign taste. It was delivered without delays. Thank you to the seller and Temu!
Марина Долгая Excellent kettle for brewing. Lightweight, compact. The only thing that is not very pleasant is that the handle gets hot. Something could have been done to prevent burning hands.
Iuliana Camen The kettle pleased me with its rounded shapes. It performed its function well. The tea had no foreign taste. It was delivered without delays. Thank you to the seller and Temu!
Марина Долгая Excellent kettle for brewing. Lightweight, compact. The only thing that is not very pleasant is that the handle gets hot. Something could have been done to prevent burning hands.
Iuliana Camen The kettle pleased me with its rounded shapes. It performed its function well. The tea had no foreign taste. It was delivered without delays. Thank you to the seller and Temu!
Марина Долгая Excellent kettle for brewing. Lightweight, compact. The only thing that is not very pleasant is that the handle gets hot. Something could have been done to prevent burning hands.
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