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- Комплект из 7 высоких бесшовных трусиков для женщин из мягкой нейлоновой смеси, однотонного цвета, элегантный дизайн
Состав: 75% полиамид, 25% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Чистый: Нет
Тип: Трусы
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке
Стиль: Элегантный
Количество продуктов: 7 штук
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 83155619
Этот комплект включает 7 высоких бесшовных трусиков, разработанных для женщин. Они изготовлены из мягкой нейлоновой смеси, которая не просвечивает, обеспечивая как комфорт, так и покрытие. Трусики выполнены в однотонном цвете и имеют элегантный стиль, который добавляет изысканности любому наряду.
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Orieta Dado excellent quality 👌, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect, really good fit well, feel like a second skin, stay put and don´t roll. Will order again
ca***n1 really good fit well, recommended, super, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect
I am incredibly delighted with this product, the most comfortable underwear I've ever had
ja***ay These pants are the absolute best!! Great fit (I’m a size 12 and bought the large) they are so comfortable and they wash brilliant. These are my third pack, will not be buying any other sort!! Thank you!!
Orieta Dado excellent quality 👌, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect, really good fit well, feel like a second skin, stay put and don´t roll. Will order again
ca***n1 really good fit well, recommended, super, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect
I am incredibly delighted with this product, the most comfortable underwear I've ever had
ja***ay These pants are the absolute best!! Great fit (I’m a size 12 and bought the large) they are so comfortable and they wash brilliant. These are my third pack, will not be buying any other sort!! Thank you!!
Orieta Dado excellent quality 👌, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect, really good fit well, feel like a second skin, stay put and don´t roll. Will order again
ca***n1 really good fit well, recommended, super, Very comfortable, Nice and soft, Perfect
I am incredibly delighted with this product, the most comfortable underwear I've ever had
ja***ay These pants are the absolute best!! Great fit (I’m a size 12 and bought the large) they are so comfortable and they wash brilliant. These are my third pack, will not be buying any other sort!! Thank you!!