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- Пластиковая полка-органайзер для ванной для зубной щетки, зубной пасты, бритвы, фена. Можно использовать на кухне и в ванной. 1 шт.
Тип номера: Разные типы номеров
Тип полки: висячая полка
Количество полок: 1
Материал: Пластик
Тип крепления: Настенное
Содержит ли золотые трубы?: Не содержит золотые трубы
Идентификатор товара: 44216017
Организуйте свои туалетные принадлежности с помощью этого универсального пластикового органайзера для полок. Разработан для настенного монтажа, он идеально подходит для хранения зубных щеток, зубной пасты, бритв, фенов и многого другого. Благодаря своему элегантному дизайну, его также можно использовать на кухне для хранения различных аксессуаров. Поставляется в комплекте из 1 штуки.
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da***86 From the photos it looks bigger, the measurements are correct that's why it works very well
gi***88 Just one little thing when you receive your product you have the sticker dôc you remove the lid well you position it correctly on your wall and only then you put your support and you will see its hold super well and it's so practical it takes very little space and its clean and as its ts your products will be stored perfectly.
Maria Del Mar Rubiales Very good quality, and well packed I totally recommend it if you liked my comment like thank you
da***86 From the photos it looks bigger, the measurements are correct that's why it works very well
gi***88 Just one little thing when you receive your product you have the sticker dôc you remove the lid well you position it correctly on your wall and only then you put your support and you will see its hold super well and it's so practical it takes very little space and its clean and as its ts your products will be stored perfectly.
Maria Del Mar Rubiales Very good quality, and well packed I totally recommend it if you liked my comment like thank you
da***86 From the photos it looks bigger, the measurements are correct that's why it works very well
gi***88 Just one little thing when you receive your product you have the sticker dôc you remove the lid well you position it correctly on your wall and only then you put your support and you will see its hold super well and it's so practical it takes very little space and its clean and as its ts your products will be stored perfectly.
Maria Del Mar Rubiales Very good quality, and well packed I totally recommend it if you liked my comment like thank you