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- Юбка с высокой талией и бесшовным дизайном для женского нижнего белья и корректирующего белья.
Состав: 92% полиамид, 8% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Детали: Нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Юбка
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 24631976
Высокая эластичная полуподкладка, которая без швов формирует и скульптурирует тело. Этот нижний белье выполняет двойную функцию: женского нижнего белья и корректирующего белья.
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Mihaela Ramona is giving you such a nice shape. The material is thick. You can use it like a skirt itself or under.
ad***67 these are great for hiding your lumps and bumps, and hiding your knicker line would highly recommend
tr***an I love this little skirt, it’s comfortable and a good quality garment which is great for every day wear and also can be dressed up to wear on an evening out x
Mihaela Ramona is giving you such a nice shape. The material is thick. You can use it like a skirt itself or under.
ad***67 these are great for hiding your lumps and bumps, and hiding your knicker line would highly recommend
tr***an I love this little skirt, it’s comfortable and a good quality garment which is great for every day wear and also can be dressed up to wear on an evening out x
Mihaela Ramona is giving you such a nice shape. The material is thick. You can use it like a skirt itself or under.
ad***67 these are great for hiding your lumps and bumps, and hiding your knicker line would highly recommend
tr***an I love this little skirt, it’s comfortable and a good quality garment which is great for every day wear and also can be dressed up to wear on an evening out x