5 бесшовных трусиков с принтом для женщин, удобное и дышащее нижнее белье.
10 пар милых, удобных и дышащих спортивных носок с кошачьим узором для женщин.
Золотой велюровый комплект пижам для женщин, идеальный для всех сезонов.
2 Бесшовных кружевных топа-брa с без проводов для женщин, Элегантные и удобные.
Женский вышитый комплект из двух предметов
5 бесшовных трусиков с принтом для женщин, удобное и дышащее нижнее белье.
10 пар милых, удобных и дышащих спортивных носок с кошачьим узором для женщин.
Золотой велюровый комплект пижам для женщин, идеальный для всех сезонов.
2 Бесшовных кружевных топа-брa с без проводов для женщин, Элегантные и удобные.
Женский вышитый комплект из двух предметов
- Главная
- Женское белье и домашняя одежда
- 3 комплекта простого однотонного нижнего белья с безкаркасным пуш-ап бюстгальтером
Состав: 90% полиамид, 10% эластан
Материал: Полиамид
Накладка на грудь: Съемная подкладка
Детали: Нет
Узор: Зебровый принт
Применимые лица: Взрослый
Чистота: Нет
Линия талии трусиков: Средняя посадка
Тип трусов: Брифы
Тип: Наборы для ресниц
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Стиль: Сексуальный
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 83657882
Происхождение: Гуандун, Китай
Этот комплект включает в себя три простых бюстгальтера и трусики, а также беспроводной бюстгальтер с эффектом пуш-ап и эластичные трусики. Это комплект нижнего белья для женщин, который сочетает в себе комфорт и стиль.
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54***81 so very nice product. I really like it. thanks seller. It's very comfortable to wear. Exactly as what described in the photos, good quality and worth to buy. thanks seller. God bless
Lei Rementilla Satisfied customer.Ive been start purchasing clothes here.Then time passes ive become more addicted to purchase because what ive been bought is makes me amazed and contented on the outcome of my purchase especially dresses i loved the fashion of dresses here .Unique style and i loved it
months passes and didnt stop to purchase.I recommended also in my friends and they also love to buy and became me also buy and buy till we satisfy on our needs.Now ive added more collection here from dresses.shoes.home decoration and etc,The more you satisfied with the product is the more you wanted more because the quality and price is worth it to spent money on each items,Recommended to all
Sanda Andreea Love the feel the softenes and all! I usually wear M but it seems that this M is slightly big for me already started on the tightest setting both straps and hooks! No worries, I’m ordering S now that’s how much I love them!
54***81 so very nice product. I really like it. thanks seller. It's very comfortable to wear. Exactly as what described in the photos, good quality and worth to buy. thanks seller. God bless
Lei Rementilla Satisfied customer.Ive been start purchasing clothes here.Then time passes ive become more addicted to purchase because what ive been bought is makes me amazed and contented on the outcome of my purchase especially dresses i loved the fashion of dresses here .Unique style and i loved it
months passes and didnt stop to purchase.I recommended also in my friends and they also love to buy and became me also buy and buy till we satisfy on our needs.Now ive added more collection here from dresses.shoes.home decoration and etc,The more you satisfied with the product is the more you wanted more because the quality and price is worth it to spent money on each items,Recommended to all
Sanda Andreea Love the feel the softenes and all! I usually wear M but it seems that this M is slightly big for me already started on the tightest setting both straps and hooks! No worries, I’m ordering S now that’s how much I love them!
54***81 so very nice product. I really like it. thanks seller. It's very comfortable to wear. Exactly as what described in the photos, good quality and worth to buy. thanks seller. God bless
Lei Rementilla Satisfied customer.Ive been start purchasing clothes here.Then time passes ive become more addicted to purchase because what ive been bought is makes me amazed and contented on the outcome of my purchase especially dresses i loved the fashion of dresses here .Unique style and i loved it
months passes and didnt stop to purchase.I recommended also in my friends and they also love to buy and became me also buy and buy till we satisfy on our needs.Now ive added more collection here from dresses.shoes.home decoration and etc,The more you satisfied with the product is the more you wanted more because the quality and price is worth it to spent money on each items,Recommended to all
Sanda Andreea Love the feel the softenes and all! I usually wear M but it seems that this M is slightly big for me already started on the tightest setting both straps and hooks! No worries, I’m ordering S now that’s how much I love them!