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- Женские сексуальные низкие трусики с вышитым узором и очаровательным дизайном.
Пол: Женский
Детали: Вышитый
Узор: Случайный принт
Применимые лица: Взрослый
Прозрачный: Полупрозрачный
Тип: Трусы
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке
Стиль: Сексуальный
Материал: Полиэстер
Состав: 95% полиэстер, 5% эластан
Метод ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 95820146
Происхождение: Гуандун, Китай
Эти низкие трусики имеют стильный вышитый узор, добавляющий очарование и привлекательность вашей коллекции нижнего белья. Дизайн является как модным, так и эротичным, что делает их идеальным выбором для женщин, ищущих сексуальный вариант нижнего белья.
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Eyüp Erguvan My products are wonderful; they arrived in 8 days. All of them are beautiful. I'm very grateful to temu. The packaging was excellent, and Aras Cargo is a world-class brand. I highly recommend it to everyone. There were Brazilian pants, and these are Spanish Madrid pants, which are also very good.
me***y4 present for a friend by
Abu Abdullah Beautiful and wonderful in the abs
Eyüp Erguvan My products are wonderful; they arrived in 8 days. All of them are beautiful. I'm very grateful to temu. The packaging was excellent, and Aras Cargo is a world-class brand. I highly recommend it to everyone. There were Brazilian pants, and these are Spanish Madrid pants, which are also very good.
me***y4 present for a friend by
Abu Abdullah Beautiful and wonderful in the abs
Eyüp Erguvan My products are wonderful; they arrived in 8 days. All of them are beautiful. I'm very grateful to temu. The packaging was excellent, and Aras Cargo is a world-class brand. I highly recommend it to everyone. There were Brazilian pants, and these are Spanish Madrid pants, which are also very good.
me***y4 present for a friend by
Abu Abdullah Beautiful and wonderful in the abs