Бесплатная доставка для всех заказов свыше 120,000 UZS.
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- Настенный шкаф для ванной с полым дизайном, без сверления, подвесная полка для ванных принадлежностей
Тип номера: Разные типы номеров
Завершено: Незавершенное
Тип полки: висячая полка
Тип отделки: Покрашенный
Количество полок: 1
Материал: Чугун
Тип крепления: Настенное
Содержит ли золотые трубы?: Содержит золотую трубку
Диаметр золотой трубки: Диаметр трубы ≤ 8мм
Идентификатор товара: 69235266
Этот стеллаж для хранения в ванной предназначен для крепления на стене и имеет полую конструкцию, что делает его идеальным для хранения ванных принадлежностей. Это простая, безотверстная вешалка, удобная для организации туалетных принадлежностей и других аксессуаров в ванной.

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a.***er Looks sturdy. Just put it up so will see how well the sticky hooks hold up. So far they seem strong.
pe***60 Brilliant. I’ve purchased and installed 32 of these to date, and these 4 will be installed this week. When supported adequately they’re extremely useful for storing many items. I’m VERY impressed with them.
Highly recommended
Dennizaki Very good item. It is modern and easy on the eye. It doesn’t hold space but it is spacious and it helps to move the toiletries out of the way faster to wipe down the bathroom after showering.
Very pleased with the purchase!
a.***er Looks sturdy. Just put it up so will see how well the sticky hooks hold up. So far they seem strong.
pe***60 Brilliant. I’ve purchased and installed 32 of these to date, and these 4 will be installed this week. When supported adequately they’re extremely useful for storing many items. I’m VERY impressed with them.
Highly recommended
Dennizaki Very good item. It is modern and easy on the eye. It doesn’t hold space but it is spacious and it helps to move the toiletries out of the way faster to wipe down the bathroom after showering.
Very pleased with the purchase!
a.***er Looks sturdy. Just put it up so will see how well the sticky hooks hold up. So far they seem strong.
pe***60 Brilliant. I’ve purchased and installed 32 of these to date, and these 4 will be installed this week. When supported adequately they’re extremely useful for storing many items. I’m VERY impressed with them.
Highly recommended
Dennizaki Very good item. It is modern and easy on the eye. It doesn’t hold space but it is spacious and it helps to move the toiletries out of the way faster to wipe down the bathroom after showering.
Very pleased with the purchase!