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- Антикварный бронзовый открывалка для бутылок в форме ключа Санта-Клауса также служит рождественским украшением для елки и подарком-брелком.
Материал: металл
Блок питания: Использовать без питания
Идентификатор товара: 59508651
Этот антикварный бронзовый открыватель для бутылок в форме ключа Санта-Клауса также служит рождественским украшением для елки и брелоком, что делает его идеальным праздничным подарком.
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ta***57 Interesting key, with Santa
l.***79 kids love it... so do i. highly recommended. we have stuck it on the wall as a decoration and plan to put it outside for Santa Christmas eve.
ma***by Super well packed and protected, only one comes. Very detailed drawing and on both sides, I hope it does its function well and is robust, I haven't tried it yet. It is copper-colored.
ta***57 Interesting key, with Santa
l.***79 kids love it... so do i. highly recommended. we have stuck it on the wall as a decoration and plan to put it outside for Santa Christmas eve.
ma***by Super well packed and protected, only one comes. Very detailed drawing and on both sides, I hope it does its function well and is robust, I haven't tried it yet. It is copper-colored.
ta***57 Interesting key, with Santa
l.***79 kids love it... so do i. highly recommended. we have stuck it on the wall as a decoration and plan to put it outside for Santa Christmas eve.
ma***by Super well packed and protected, only one comes. Very detailed drawing and on both sides, I hope it does its function well and is robust, I haven't tried it yet. It is copper-colored.