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- 2 настенные треугольные полки для хранения в ванной, душевой органайзер с множеством функций, безударный держатель для шампуня и геля для душа, полка для мелочей и косметики, держатель для аксессуаров ванной.
Материал: Пластик
Идентификатор товара: 53885026
Этот набор включает в себя две угловые полки треугольной формы, предназначенные для настенного хранения в ванной комнате. Эти полки также могут использоваться как подставки для душа и достаточно универсальны, чтобы удерживать шампунь, гель для душа и другие необходимые вещи для ванной без необходимости сверления или пробивания отверстий в стене. Они также служат удобным решением для хранения ванных принадлежностей, косметики и других аксессуаров.

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Klodiana Hilaj Item same as in the picture. I was a little bit skeptical if the adhesive would stick and hold the weight of my shampoos and other things, but I am glad to say that not only can hold lots of things but it's quit pleasant esthetically adding a nice touch to my bathroom. Recommended !
Асель Тулкибекова excellent product, you will not regret taking a high-quality one, delivery to the city of Astana Kazakhstan came in two weeks. The courier delivered it directly to my home. Thank you)
Eliška Beránková Great, satisfaction. Good quality. It does what it's supposed to, it holds nicely, so I can only recommend it. (I'm collecting likes, I'll be very happy if you like me) 😘❤️
Klodiana Hilaj Item same as in the picture. I was a little bit skeptical if the adhesive would stick and hold the weight of my shampoos and other things, but I am glad to say that not only can hold lots of things but it's quit pleasant esthetically adding a nice touch to my bathroom. Recommended !
Асель Тулкибекова excellent product, you will not regret taking a high-quality one, delivery to the city of Astana Kazakhstan came in two weeks. The courier delivered it directly to my home. Thank you)
Eliška Beránková Great, satisfaction. Good quality. It does what it's supposed to, it holds nicely, so I can only recommend it. (I'm collecting likes, I'll be very happy if you like me) 😘❤️
Klodiana Hilaj Item same as in the picture. I was a little bit skeptical if the adhesive would stick and hold the weight of my shampoos and other things, but I am glad to say that not only can hold lots of things but it's quit pleasant esthetically adding a nice touch to my bathroom. Recommended !
Асель Тулкибекова excellent product, you will not regret taking a high-quality one, delivery to the city of Astana Kazakhstan came in two weeks. The courier delivered it directly to my home. Thank you)
Eliška Beránková Great, satisfaction. Good quality. It does what it's supposed to, it holds nicely, so I can only recommend it. (I'm collecting likes, I'll be very happy if you like me) 😘❤️