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Материал: Пластик
Идентификатор товара: 61114042

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76***81 super good to use, good material for spices is beautifully arranged on the support
Annie Stringer-Tidman just changed these over they look small but they hold alot of ur spices and such need more
ga***me The jars look great with the spice rack, they are plastic and weigh little, otherwise well
76***81 super good to use, good material for spices is beautifully arranged on the support
Annie Stringer-Tidman just changed these over they look small but they hold alot of ur spices and such need more
ga***me The jars look great with the spice rack, they are plastic and weigh little, otherwise well
76***81 super good to use, good material for spices is beautifully arranged on the support
Annie Stringer-Tidman just changed these over they look small but they hold alot of ur spices and such need more
ga***me The jars look great with the spice rack, they are plastic and weigh little, otherwise well