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- Шорты с высокой талией для женщин с контролем живота и сжимающей компрессией.

4 упаковки шорт для женщин с высокой талией, предназначенные для сжатия, формирования и контроля живота с широким поясом. Идеально подходят для йоги и фитнеса.
3 reviews
5-Pack Высокие Бесшовные Шорты для Йоги с Подъемом Ягодиц от LianShengFa, идеально подходящие для бега и тренировок на свежем воздухе, изготовлены с высокой эластичностью для плотной посадки и воздухопроницаемости.
3 reviews

Состав: 82,9% нейлон, 17,1% спандекс
Материал: Нейлон
Детали: нет
Узор: Однотонный цвет
Тип: Шорты
Инструкция по эксплуатации: Ручная стирка, не подвергать химической чистке.
Эластичность ткани: средняя эластичность
Способ ткачества: трикотажная ткань
Идентификатор товара: 48673367
Эти шорты с высокой талией разработаны для обеспечения контроля живота и компрессии для создания стройного эффекта. Они служат как женским нижним бельем, так и корректирующим бельем, помогая создать гладкий и обтекаемый силуэт.

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R B Let us pray more and peace be upon the apple of our eyes, Muhammad, peace be upon him, cram us, O God, in his group, and make us among the people of his intercession, and revive us on his Sunnah, and die on his religion, and give us his basin, O living the Ever-Living. 🌱
May Allah bless him, his family and companions. 🌸🤲🏻
"O Allah, bless our Prophet Muhammad, the medicine and medicine of the hearts, the well-being and healing of the bodies, and the good and pure family."
Oh God bless our prophet Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you prayed on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, you are Hamid Al-Majid🌸🤲🏻
34***60 hi guys. I really love this waist shaping shorts. this farbic is very soft and fits perfectly.
На*ія I received my order very quickly! The shorts are of good quality, hiding the excess well. Matches the description. I recommend the seller!
R B Let us pray more and peace be upon the apple of our eyes, Muhammad, peace be upon him, cram us, O God, in his group, and make us among the people of his intercession, and revive us on his Sunnah, and die on his religion, and give us his basin, O living the Ever-Living. 🌱
May Allah bless him, his family and companions. 🌸🤲🏻
"O Allah, bless our Prophet Muhammad, the medicine and medicine of the hearts, the well-being and healing of the bodies, and the good and pure family."
Oh God bless our prophet Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you prayed on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, you are Hamid Al-Majid🌸🤲🏻
34***60 hi guys. I really love this waist shaping shorts. this farbic is very soft and fits perfectly.
На*ія I received my order very quickly! The shorts are of good quality, hiding the excess well. Matches the description. I recommend the seller!