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- Experience the Ultimate Cooling Solution on-the-go with our Portable Handheld Fan featuring Turbo Jet Technology - Providing High-Speed Airflow for Dust Removal and Outdoor Camping. Stay charged with the USB Rechargeable 5200mAh Battery.

Премиальный 6-лопастной вентилятор для печей с подогревом — бесшумная, эффективная циркуляция воздуха для теплого и уютного отопления дома с помощью дровяных и газовых горелок — изготовлен из прочного алюминиевого сплава, работает без батареек
4 reviews
Кронштейн для крепления вентиляторов и нагревательных приборов, многофункциональное настенное крепление для каминов из нержавеющей стали. Подходит для наружных обогревательных принадлежностей в домашнем и кухонном отопительном и охлаждающем оборудовании.
4 reviews

Метод управления: кнопка
Тип вентилятора: Нагнетатель
Аксессуар: Шнур
Использование в помещении и на открытом воздухе: доступно для использования в помещении и на открытом воздухе.
Блок питания: зарядка через USB (встроенный аккумулятор)
Аккумуляторная батарея: литиевая батарея
Идентификатор товара: 15306317
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tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
tuner zane very happy with this, fantastic used daily, worked really well
gj***69 Very good fan, use it in the Workshop to clear away debris round engines 👍
ba***mm I can say that what has been told is more. It's a great product. It blows out my dog's fur that sticks to the car very well. Sometimes I use it as a fan. I highly recommend it.
jm***90 Arrived safely.
The device corresponds pretty much exactly to the description and pictures.
It can be charged via USB-C. Very nice!
For the size, the performance is very good, even if I somehow imagined more. Comparable to a hair dryer at the highest level.
I don't regret the purchase and can recommend it.
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