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Набор из трех нержавеющих стальных мисок для кухни
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- Посуда для выпечки
- Форма для выпечки на Новый год - Силиконовая мини-форма для хлеба с 9 ячейками, прямоугольной формы, 30.99 см x 21.08 см, безопасна для микроволновой печи для торта, хлеба, мясного хлеба, кукурузного хлеба, брауни, маффинов и мыла.

Миниатюрная круглая алюминиевая форма для торта золотистого цвета диаметром 2 дюйма со съемным дном и утолщенным анодированным основанием для выпечки тортов своими руками.
3 reviews
Набор из 3 травяных насадок для глазури для украшения тортов, насадки из нержавеющей стали для самостоятельного украшения выпечки и кондитерских изделий
3 reviews

Форма предмета: продолговатая
Материал: Силикон
Особенность: Микроволновая печь
Повод: Новый год
Идентификатор товара: 13876723

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ka***57 Great idea for buns, the shape is perfect.
We are very satisfied. My girlfriend also bought one and always bakes little cakes for the kids in it.
I can only recommend it.
Fast shipping.
Ma***co It seems like an excellent product. The only thing that wasn't mentioned on the website but is stated on the product itself is that they shouldn't be used for cooking at temperatures above 220°C, so be careful! Other than that, they look very nice and useful.
ir***va I'm ordering for the second time! I'm going to cut this one so that I have 6 for the air fryer, the remaining 3 fit perfectly with the other 9 in the big oven tray 😊
ka***57 Great idea for buns, the shape is perfect.
We are very satisfied. My girlfriend also bought one and always bakes little cakes for the kids in it.
I can only recommend it.
Fast shipping.
Ma***co It seems like an excellent product. The only thing that wasn't mentioned on the website but is stated on the product itself is that they shouldn't be used for cooking at temperatures above 220°C, so be careful! Other than that, they look very nice and useful.
ir***va I'm ordering for the second time! I'm going to cut this one so that I have 6 for the air fryer, the remaining 3 fit perfectly with the other 9 in the big oven tray 😊
ka***57 Great idea for buns, the shape is perfect.
We are very satisfied. My girlfriend also bought one and always bakes little cakes for the kids in it.
I can only recommend it.
Fast shipping.
Ma***co It seems like an excellent product. The only thing that wasn't mentioned on the website but is stated on the product itself is that they shouldn't be used for cooking at temperatures above 220°C, so be careful! Other than that, they look very nice and useful.
ir***va I'm ordering for the second time! I'm going to cut this one so that I have 6 for the air fryer, the remaining 3 fit perfectly with the other 9 in the big oven tray 😊
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