CRYINGG!! This brand is no joke y'all... I am wearing it right now and OMG... IT'S SO SOFT??? WHAT??? The pad isn't thick at all and it fits PERFECTLYYY!! I'm so happy! This is my first bra that actually fits nicely. The material is very soft and stretchable... hence the "true to size". The underwire doesn't poke... you cant even feel it at all actually... BUT IT'S THERE DW! The straps are adjustable and the hook has about 3 adjusting options. BUYYYY IT FOSHO<3
these are absolute bargain top quality way better than Asda brands highly recommend
I put them in the washing machine, and I think the cups are a bit too big. If you bend forward, everything sticks out. Otherwise, the colors are nice.
CRYINGG!! This brand is no joke y'all... I am wearing it right now and OMG... IT'S SO SOFT??? WHAT??? The pad isn't thick at all and it fits PERFECTLYYY!! I'm so happy! This is my first bra that actually fits nicely. The material is very soft and stretchable... hence the "true to size". The underwire doesn't poke... you cant even feel it at all actually... BUT IT'S THERE DW! The straps are adjustable and the hook has about 3 adjusting options. BUYYYY IT FOSHO<3
these are absolute bargain top quality way better than Asda brands highly recommend
I put them in the washing machine, and I think the cups are a bit too big. If you bend forward, everything sticks out. Otherwise, the colors are nice.
CRYINGG!! This brand is no joke y'all... I am wearing it right now and OMG... IT'S SO SOFT??? WHAT??? The pad isn't thick at all and it fits PERFECTLYYY!! I'm so happy! This is my first bra that actually fits nicely. The material is very soft and stretchable... hence the "true to size". The underwire doesn't poke... you cant even feel it at all actually... BUT IT'S THERE DW! The straps are adjustable and the hook has about 3 adjusting options. BUYYYY IT FOSHO<3
these are absolute bargain top quality way better than Asda brands highly recommend
I put them in the washing machine, and I think the cups are a bit too big. If you bend forward, everything sticks out. Otherwise, the colors are nice.