Initially, we offer a few items for sale. If there is a higher demand in the market, we will gradually update our stock. Currently, we only have 5 items available: 1. Nylon in Black (Code: CWNB50) 2. PU in Black (Code: CWPB50) 3. PU in Grey (Code: CWPG50) 4. PU in White (Code: CWPW50) 5. PU in Red (Code: CWPR50). Please refer to the image below for reference.
Nylon is represented by the color black with the code CWNB50.
The PU material comes in a sleek black shade with the code CWPB50.
The PU material comes in a shade of gray with the code CWPG50.
The PU is identified by the code CWPW50 and is white in color.
The PU is identified by the red color and the code CWPR50.
New products will be added under the photos soon. Feel free to contact us if you need other models.