Publisher: 人民邮电出版社
Author: 周光远、灌木体育编辑组
Set or not: No
Languages: Simplified Chinese
Publication Date: Nov 1, 2023
Minimum Reading Age (years): 11years old
Book Title: 叶问咏春拳套路完全图解小念头寻桥标指及木人桩
ISBN: 9787115620859
Item ID: 38105599
The Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Book is an illustrated guide that includes Ye Wen's Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, and Wooden Dummy techniques. Published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House, this single volume is in Simplified Chinese language. The first edition was released on November 1, 2023, making it suitable for ages 11 and above. This is the Chinese version of the book.

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