Good pillowcase, even though it's synthetic. It's a kind of microfiber but a bit too fine. Still usable and very nice.
Good print.
Envelope closure and correct size.
I had bought the sheet before and I bought it in a pillowcase because I liked the fabric and workmanship very much. If they produce the quilt cover, I will buy it without a second thought.
Great, very good quality and beautiful, I had the fitted sheet and bought the matching covers. Delighted
Very funny pillowcase that I bought to match the fitted sheet. It's a little thicker than the sheet and I hope it lasts a while.
Good pillowcase, even though it's synthetic. It's a kind of microfiber but a bit too fine. Still usable and very nice.
Good print.
Envelope closure and correct size.
I had bought the sheet before and I bought it in a pillowcase because I liked the fabric and workmanship very much. If they produce the quilt cover, I will buy it without a second thought.
Great, very good quality and beautiful, I had the fitted sheet and bought the matching covers. Delighted
Very funny pillowcase that I bought to match the fitted sheet. It's a little thicker than the sheet and I hope it lasts a while.
Good pillowcase, even though it's synthetic. It's a kind of microfiber but a bit too fine. Still usable and very nice.
Good print.
Envelope closure and correct size.
I had bought the sheet before and I bought it in a pillowcase because I liked the fabric and workmanship very much. If they produce the quilt cover, I will buy it without a second thought.
Great, very good quality and beautiful, I had the fitted sheet and bought the matching covers. Delighted
Very funny pillowcase that I bought to match the fitted sheet. It's a little thicker than the sheet and I hope it lasts a while.