A revelation. It works great in the garden. I made a gift for several men in the family and everyone was happy with it.
definitely works, installed and used quite a bit. really nice touch outside for summer. dont use supplied screws if you expect to use a lot
Very good area opener. I have them hanging on the wall in the workshop. Looks good and is well made! I've already opened up one or the other (beer) area with it! +++++ 👍👍👍👍👍👍
A revelation. It works great in the garden. I made a gift for several men in the family and everyone was happy with it.
definitely works, installed and used quite a bit. really nice touch outside for summer. dont use supplied screws if you expect to use a lot
Very good area opener. I have them hanging on the wall in the workshop. Looks good and is well made! I've already opened up one or the other (beer) area with it! +++++ 👍👍👍👍👍👍
A revelation. It works great in the garden. I made a gift for several men in the family and everyone was happy with it.
definitely works, installed and used quite a bit. really nice touch outside for summer. dont use supplied screws if you expect to use a lot
Very good area opener. I have them hanging on the wall in the workshop. Looks good and is well made! I've already opened up one or the other (beer) area with it! +++++ 👍👍👍👍👍👍