Publisher: 河南科学技术出版社
Country/Region Of Origin: 中国
Author: (日)河合真弓
Set or not: Yes
Format: Paperback
Languages: Simplified Chinese
Publication Date: Jun 1, 2011
Number Of Words (10,000 Words): 1
Product Weight (g): 680.0g
Minimum Reading Age (years): 11years old
Brand: winshare
Book Title: 亲亲宝贝装1周就能完成的钩针小物(可爱篇+俏皮篇)(全2册)
ISBN: 9787534949210
Item ID: 07936298
Origin: Sichuan,China
Two genuine crochet books focusing on projects for young children that can be finished in a week. Includes cute and playful editions. Chinese language version.

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