Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
Jozibador, nafis va qulay ayollar uchun uyqu kiyimlari mukammal uchrashuv kechasi uchun.
67 184 som
92 882 som
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
15 360 som–51 190 som
Ayollar uchun 2-qismli dizayndagi uslubli atlas tunika to'plami, suspenders bilan.
106 659 som–116 744 som
Ayollar uchun soxta yonoq ko'taruvchi shapewear
51 208 som
178 277 som
Jozibador, nafis va qulay ayollar uchun uyqu kiyimlari mukammal uchrashuv kechasi uchun.
67 184 som
92 882 som
12 juft shirin rangli ayollar uchun qayiq paypoqlardan 4 jufti
15 360 som–51 190 som
Ayollar uchun 2-qismli dizayndagi uslubli atlas tunika to'plami, suspenders bilan.
106 659 som–116 744 som
- Uy
- Women's Lingerie & Lounge
- Jozibali ayollar uchun ichki kiyim to'plami, bo'sh joyli kamon dizayni bilan.
Tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Elastan
Material: Polyester
Tafsilotlar: Kamon
Nayza: Kelebek
Tegishli odamlar: Kattalar
Sheer: Ha
Tur: Kirpik to'plamlari
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Qo'l bilan yuvish, quruq tozalashni amalga oshirmang
Uslub: Jozibador
Mahsulotlar soni: 4 dona
To'qish usuli: Trikotaj mato
Matn tuzilishi 1 Komponent: 95% Polyester, 5% Elastan
Matn tuzilishi 2 tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Elastan
Matn tuzilishi 3 tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Elastan
Matn tuzilishi 4 tarkibi: 95% Polyester, 5% Elastan
Item ID: 55093761
Ushbu issiq va erotik ayollar uchun ichki kiyim to'plami bo'sh joyli kamon dizayniga ega bo'lib, sexy va zamonaviy modani taqdim etadi.
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Діана Гришанова Overall, a gorgeous set!😍👍🏽
It will fit perfectly on a good figure👍🏽
Fits the size perfectly🔥
Very sexy!!!😍😍🔥🔥
53***24 This set is amazing😍🤤🫧🥰
iv***va This set is definitely worth buying! I myself have size S underwear, bust size 70 DD. I have to say that the size Asian M bra was too tight for me, the rest fit me perfect. I will be ordering Asian XL bra hoping that it will be good for my bust. Fingers crossed! It’s hard to give a review regarding if the size was good or not because we all have different bra sizes that often don’t correspond to the underwear size. Quality wise, could not be more happy for this price!
Діана Гришанова Overall, a gorgeous set!😍👍🏽
It will fit perfectly on a good figure👍🏽
Fits the size perfectly🔥
Very sexy!!!😍😍🔥🔥
53***24 This set is amazing😍🤤🫧🥰
iv***va This set is definitely worth buying! I myself have size S underwear, bust size 70 DD. I have to say that the size Asian M bra was too tight for me, the rest fit me perfect. I will be ordering Asian XL bra hoping that it will be good for my bust. Fingers crossed! It’s hard to give a review regarding if the size was good or not because we all have different bra sizes that often don’t correspond to the underwear size. Quality wise, could not be more happy for this price!
Діана Гришанова Overall, a gorgeous set!😍👍🏽
It will fit perfectly on a good figure👍🏽
Fits the size perfectly🔥
Very sexy!!!😍😍🔥🔥
53***24 This set is amazing😍🤤🫧🥰
iv***va This set is definitely worth buying! I myself have size S underwear, bust size 70 DD. I have to say that the size Asian M bra was too tight for me, the rest fit me perfect. I will be ordering Asian XL bra hoping that it will be good for my bust. Fingers crossed! It’s hard to give a review regarding if the size was good or not because we all have different bra sizes that often don’t correspond to the underwear size. Quality wise, could not be more happy for this price!
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