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- BibiShop
Kolleksiya: BibiShop
1 dona 6 teshikli metall kiyim osgich, bardoshli bo'lishi va yotoqxona, shkaf, kiyimlar uchun joyni tejashga yordam berish uchun mo'ljallangan, yaxshiroq tartibga solish uchun.
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 37 681 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha76 077 UZSSotuv narxi 37 681 UZS -
1 dona 7 dyuymli emal qozon, bitta tutqichi bilan, gaz va induksiya pechlari uchun mos. Makaron va sut tayyorlash uchun ideal, bu qozon qalinlashtirilgan va uyda foydalanish uchun mukammal.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 242 120 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha583 392 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 242 120 UZS -
1 dona Qora Rasm va Pul Qarshilik Polyester Gilam, Kirish joyi, Yotoqxona, O'tirish xonasi, O'qish xonasi, Kirxona yoki Yo'l xonasi uchun Yumshoq va Qulay $100 Gilam.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 50 459 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha114 184 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 50 459 UZS -
1 dona Multfilm Musiqiy Qozon, ajoyib qozon, aylanishi va chirqillashi bilan, Rojdestvo sovg'alari uchun mukammal.
Doimiy narx Dan 317 099 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha652 214 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 317 099 UZS -
1 dona quyma temir emal qozon, gaz yoki elektromagnit pechlar uchun mos, oshxona idishlari uchun ideal non-stick skovorodka.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 348 865 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha806 112 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 348 865 UZS -
1 piece of a chopping board made of 304 stainless steel, suitable for cutting fruits, vegetables, and meat. It is ideal for use in home kitchens, camping, and offers portability and convenience. A must-have in your kitchen as a gadget and accessory.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 71 249 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha111 358 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 71 249 UZS -
1 dona Rojdestvo shokolad qolipi, 14 ta bo'shliq bilan 3D silikondan yasalgan qolip, tortlar va pudinglar uchun. Pishirish asboblari, oshxona gadjetlari va aksessuarlarni o'z ichiga oladi.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 20 807 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha68 000 UZSSotuv narxi 20 807 UZS -
1 piece of a clear hanging garment bag for organizing your closet. This bottom-closed garment rack cover is extra large and seals off your wardrobe clothes, protecting coats, suits, dresses, and more. Perfect for dorm rooms and bedroom wardrobes, this
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 72 926 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha171 629 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 72 926 UZS -
1 piece of a collapsible cutting board with a built-in colander, this multifunctional silicone folding chopping board also doubles as a dish tub basin and food strainer storage basket. Perfect for draining and washing vegetables and fruits in the kitchen
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 150 965 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha312 260 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 150 965 UZS -
1 dona qulay va iliq toshbaqa velsoft flanel ko'rpa, barcha fasllar uchun mos - divanda, yotoqda yoki kresloda foydalanish uchun ideal.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 171 254 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha422 016 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 171 254 UZS -
1 dona qulay Osiyo uslubidagi fleece ko'rpa, go'zal bosma kapalak dizayni bilan. Bobo uchun ajoyib sovg'a. Har mavsumda va ko'p maqsadlarda foydalanish uchun mos. Anti-statik polyesterdan tayyorlangan, to'qilgan matoda raqamli bosma bilan.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 101 400 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha337 713 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 101 400 UZS -
1 piece of a cozy gray taffeta throw blanket, made from ultra-soft, thick fleece featuring a geometric pattern. This blanket is machine washable, perfect for bedroom and dorm room decor. It is ideal as a duvet cover or an alternative to a pillowcase.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 250 731 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha708 845 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 250 731 UZS -
1 piece of a crisper basket that can be used for air frying and baking. This non-stick round tray comes with a mesh grill to catch grease, making it perfect for cooking crispy foods. Made of stainless steel, this basket is a handy kitchen tool and
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 46 616 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha109 480 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 46 616 UZS -
1 piece of a cute cartoon mop, perfect for small cleaning tasks. This mini mop doubles as a fun toy for floor mopping, making cleaning a more enjoyable task. It is portable and can be used for both wet and dry cleaning, ideal for home, school, or any
5.0 / 5.0
(4) 4 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 61 862 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha158 600 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 61 862 UZS -
1 piece of a cute cat butt door mat that is anti-slip and dirt resistant, perfect for welcoming guests at your entrance. This non-slip bath rug can be used indoors or outdoors, making it an easy-to-clean patio entrance mat for all seasons.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 56 209 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha115 518 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 56 209 UZS -
1 piece of a double boiler pot that can be used as a chocolate melting pot or butter warmer. Perfect for oil heating, wax melting and other cooking needs. A versatile kitchen utensil and gadget to add to your collection of kitchen accessories.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 44 976 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha132 440 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 44 976 UZS -
1 dona ikki qozonli idish, shokolad va sariyog' eritish, shuningdek, yog'ni qizdirish va mum eritish uchun ishlatiladi. Oshxona asbobi, gadjet yoki aksessuar sifatida ishlatilishi mumkin.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 52 025 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha148 400 UZSSotuv narxi 52 025 UZS -
1 dona ikki baliq shaklidagi yopishqoq pan, baliq shaklidagi shirinliklar, vafli, tortlar, yapon pancake'lari pishirish va oshxonada qovurish uchun alyuminiydan tayyorlangan.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 212 870 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha489 450 UZSSotuv narxi 212 870 UZS -
1 dona ikki qatlamli qalin qo'y junidan yasalgan, bir rangli minimalist harbiy yashil dizayndagi ko'rpa. Ushbu birikma sut junidan yasalgan ko'rpa tasodifiy foydalanish uchun mukammal, mebel ustiga tashlash yoki tushlik tanaffusida foydalanish uchun.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 124 103 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha371 606 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 124 103 UZS -
1 dona ikki tomonlama magnit deraza tozalagich, mustahkam plastik tutqich va yuqori balandlikdagi binolar va ikki qatlamli shisha tozalash uchun mo'ljallangan bardoshli polietilen tereftalat squeegee bilan.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 173 003 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha228 956 UZSSotuv narxi 173 003 UZS -
1 piece of a fashionable Lion Print Blanket made of soft and warm polyester flannel. Features digital print and engraving, suitable for all seasons and various purposes. Machine washable and lightweight at 200-250g - perfect for naps, camping, travel
Doimiy narx Dan 127 910 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha335 865 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 127 910 UZS -
1 dona tez eriydigan plastinka muzlatilgan go'sht, mevalar va boshqa ovqatlarni tezda eritish uchun. Ushbu eritish plastinkasi oshxonangizda tez va samarali eritish uchun mukammaldir.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 86 022 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha165 230 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 86 022 UZS -
1 piece of a flower-shaped silicone mold with 11 cavities, perfect for making 3D fondant, pudding, chocolate, candy, desserts, gummy, cupcakes, handmade soap, ice cubes, ice cream, and more. Ideal for cake decorating, baking, and other kitchen items.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx 37 360 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha51 240 UZSSotuv narxi 37 360 UZS -
1 piece of a fluffy long pile area rug, designed with a non-slip feature and soft material. Perfect for adding a cozy Nordic style to your home decor, ideal for placing in the living room, sofa area, or by the bay window as a soft bedroom bedside carpet.
5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 umumiy sharhlar
Doimiy narx Dan 147 420 UZSDoimiy narxBirlik narxi / bo'yicha291 018 UZSSotuv narxi Dan 147 420 UZS