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[Bestselling] Mini Pancake Maker Pan - 7 ta qiziqarli yuz dizayni bilan - Oson nonushta, pancake va boshqa taomlar uchun yopishqoq alyuminiy qovurish panasi

[Bestselling] Mini Pancake Maker Pan - 7 ta qiziqarli yuz dizayni bilan - Oson nonushta, pancake va boshqa taomlar uchun yopishqoq alyuminiy qovurish panasi

3 umumiy sharhlar

Doimiy narx 194 117 UZS
Doimiy narx 487 630 UZS Sotuv narxi 194 117 UZS


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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Ann Curbishley

Good Quality, Non-stick, perfect size pancakes for my 5 yr old granddaughter she loves them. Not to big to put her off


An interesting frying pan, but you need to get the hang of using it a little, because pancakes burn quickly)


The Mini Pancake Griddle is fun but there are a few things to keep in mind. Unlike regular pancakes where you flip just once to cook evenly, with this pan, you need to flip each pancake individually. This can be tricky, as some pancakes may cook faster than others, so it's crucial to lower the heat to prevent burning. Also, the emoticon faces are only imprinted on one side. When you flip the pancakes, the other side doesn't get a full imprint, which might be a little disappointing if you’re aiming for a two-sided design., good quality, Non-stick

To'liq ma'lumotlarni ko'rish
Maxsus xususiyatlar: Yopishmaydigan
Tutqich materiali: Alyuminiy
Material: Alyuminiy
Amal ko'rsatmasi: Faqat qo'l bilan yuvish
Item ID: 14078062
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